The @starledger's Editorial Page Editor, @tomamoran, Is Once Again a Massive Hypocrite

Just when I think my world can't get any more bizarre:
The New Hampshire Union Leader's endorsement of Chris Christie for president has drawn fire from an unexpected quarter: another newspaper.
A few days after the influential New England broadsheet threw its support behind Christie, Tom Moran, the editorial page editor and columnist for the New Jersey Star Ledger, which has been critical of the New Jersey governor, wrote a piece criticizing the Union Leader's endorsement.
Oh my lord. My sweet, sweet, lord...."The paper knows almost nothing about his record as governor," Moran writes, noting of the Union Leader, "the paper has been paying close attention to Christie's speeches in New Hampshire, and his visit to the editorial board. And that's a dangerous game when it comes to a slick character like our governor."
Go read Moran's dumb-ass column right now. No, go do it, seriously. I'll wait...
Did you read it? Well, that's good for Moran, whose newspaper is dying. He can thank me for the bump in readership later...
But did you notice something? Not once does Tom Moran mention that his own paper endorsed Christie's reelection for governor in 2013!
Moran issued his tepid mea culpa for endorsing Christie soon after it became clear the governor had let his staff run out of control during Bridgegate. And yes, most of what we - See more at: