Latest News and Comment from Education

Saturday, January 16, 2021


 Big Education Ape





Big Education Ape TOP POSTS THIS WEEK 1/16/21 ‘Slaying Goliath’: Diane Ravitch argues in new book that public education advocates have beat back efforts to privatize schools - The Washington Post The real story of New Orleans and its charter schools - The Washington Post THE TOP BANANA: TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Thursday, January 14, 2021 #REDFORED #tbats #REOPENSCHOOLSSAFELY #COVIDVACCINE #IMP
Big Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Joe Biden's Stimulus Plan Emphasizes School Reopenings | HuffPost - on @HuffPostPol This Could Be Useful Video To Show In Class: “The history of Charles Curtis, the first Vice President of color” | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - https:
In the Public Interest: Betsy DeVos Lives On | Diane Ravitch's blog
In the Public Interest: Betsy DeVos Lives On The nonpartisan, independent organization called “In the Public Interest” reports on efforts to privatize public services. Its education newsletter is called “Cashing In on Kids.” Here is its latest updates on the DeVos education agenda: Welcome to Cashing in on Kids, an email newsletter for people fed up with the privatization of America’s public sch
Through her divisive rhetoric, Education Secretary DeVos leaves a troubled legacy of her own |
Through her divisive rhetoric, Education Secretary DeVos leaves a troubled legacy of her own U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has resigned. Five experts comment on the impact she had on education E ditor's note: U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos resigned from her post effective Jan. 8, 2021, saying there was " no mistaking " the impact that President Donald Trump's rhetoric had on t
The week in coveducation: New school quarantine policy met with criticism
The week in coveducation: New school quarantine policy met with criticism A new state policy that gives school districts the option not to require students to quarantine if they’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19 — as long as their school district is enforcing a masking policy and other preventative measures — was met with criticism by school leaders. Catch up on that and a packed week of
10 Cents on the Dollar – Tennessee Education Report
10 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR T hat’s what Gov. Bill Lee is proposing for teachers in his COVID-19 package for education. This is just the latest in what has become a pattern of showing blatant disrespect for educators in his budget proposals . The Tennessee Education Association (TEA) breaks down the proposal and what it will mean for educators: “Tennessee’s educators have worked hundreds of additiona
How to Teach American History in a Divided Country (Kristina Rizga) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
How to Teach American History in a Divided Country (Kristina Rizga) Kristina Rizga is a writer based in San Francisco, co-creator of The Atlantic ’s On Teaching project, and author of Mission High . This article appeared November 8, 2020. For the past 26 years, Chuck Yarborough, the U.S. and African American history teacher at the Mississippi School of Mathematics and Science in Columbus, has be
Safe or unsafe to reopen schools now? Two contrasting views | EdSource
Safe or unsafe to reopen schools now? Two contrasting views EdSource · Safe or unsafe to reopen schools now? Two contrasting views January 15, 2021 This week, two people involved in the debate over Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to provide $2 billion in incentives to school districts that agree to bring back elementary school students in February and March offer different perspectives. Fresno Unified
The LAUSD’s 2020 Report Card. The COVID-19 pandemic upended the… | by Carl J. Petersen | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium
The LAUSD’s 2020 Report Card The COVID-19 pandemic upended the second-largest school district in the country. A look back at some of the major events… “ We’re in uncharted waters ” - LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner As the year began, it appeared that the dominating story within the LAUSD would be the school board elections. All four of the seats that would appear on the ballot were held by p
USDA Nationwide Waiver Questions and Answers #4 - Nutrition (CA Dept of Education)
USDA Nationwide Waiver Questions and Answers #4 On January 5, 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released Policy Memorandum SP 05-2021, CACFP 04-2021, SFSP 04-2021, Questions and Answers Relating to the Nationwide Waiver to Allow Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) Operators during School Year 2020ꟷ21 Q&As #4 . This policy memo is intended to provide
CURMUDGUCATION: PA: Chester Upland School District On Verge of Charterization
PA: Chester Upland School District On Verge of Charterization I don't usually do this, but I've spent a ton of time working on a piece about a PA school district that is on the verge of making history by becoming the first district in the state to be fully charterized. It's a big complicated story, but it hits on many of the classic problems. The charter funding death spiral. The long
NYC Educator: Chasing the Vaccine
Chasing the Vaccine On Sunday morning I decided to try the city site for the COVID vaccine. I'd heard that we would be eligible beginning Monday and that we could book early. It sounded like a great opportunity. I kept getting bounced off the site, over and over. I wasn't sure why that kept happening, but I was pretty persistent. It was quite annoying that even though you set up a profile, the s
WELL, THAT’S A SPECIAL KIND OF DUMB “What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” ― Mark Twain Years ago I worked at a bar down in the Elliston Place area of Nashville. Five days a week you could find me slinging drinks to people as they got off of work. My bar didn’t adhere to the rule of never discussing politics or religion, the only rul
DeVos Still Haunts Indiana | Live Long and Prosper
DeVos Still Haunts Indiana ADVANCEMENT OF GOD’S KINGDOM Betsy DeVos is gone…and her boss will be gone in less than a week, but that doesn’t mean that the party of low taxes for the wealthy has forgotten what Princess Betsy stood for…the advancement of God’s Kingdom in the battleground of “educational reform.” The Indiana General Assembly for the 2021 session already has thirty-seven bills dealin
THIS WEEK'S WILDNESS Dad Gone Wild Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it. + TENNESSEE EDUCATION REPORT
TENNESSEE EDUCATION REPORT EDUCATION POLITICS AND POLICY IN THE VOLUNTEER STATE TENNESSEE EDUCATION REPORT 10 Cents on the Dollar 100+ by Andy Spears / 14h That’s what Gov. Bill Lee is proposing for teachers in his COVID-19 package for education. This is just the latest in what has become a pattern of showing blatant disrespect for educators in his budget proposals . The Tennessee Education Assoc
Teacher Tom The Magnificence of Humans 95 23h Getting Straight A's 300+ 1d Does "Parenting" Stand in the Way of Growing? 400+ 3d Education Has Nothing to Do With Right and Wrong Answers 400+ 3d Courtesy, Politeness, and Civility 100+ 4d Unstructured Play Outdoors Should Be the Foundation of Childhood 2K 8d "I Was a Different Person Then" 93 8d Teacher Tom
California Department of Education SSPI TONY THURMOND STUFF THIS WEEK FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION USDA Nationwide Waiver Questions and Answers #4 15h On January 5, 2021, USDA released Policy Memorandum SP 05-2021, CACFP 04-2021, SFSP 04-2021, Questions and Answers Relating to the Nationwide Waiver to Allow SFSP and SSO Operators during School Year 2020ꟷ21 Q&As #4. U.S. Department
NewBlackMan (in Exile) THIS WEEK WITH NEWBLACKMAN (IN EXILE) Director Yoruba Richen on 'How It Feels To Be Free' by Mark Anthony Neal / 10h 'Director Yoruba Richen joins us to discuss her new documentary for PBS American Masters titled, " How It Feels To Be Free ." Based on the book How It Feels To Be Free: Black Women Entertainers and the Civil Rights Movement by Ruth Feldstein , the documentary
THIS WEEK Education Research Report
Education Research Report College campuses are COVID-19 superspreaders, new study suggests by Jonathan Kantrowitz / 1d College campuses are at risk of becoming COVID-19 superspreaders for their entire county, according to a new vast study which shows the striking danger of the first two weeks of school in particular. Looking at 30 campuses across the nation with the highest amount of reported ca
THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 This Could Be Useful Video To Show In Class: “The history of Charles Curtis, the first Vice President of color” by Larry Ferlazzo / 15min CBS This Morning just published this video, which would likely be surprising and interesting to students: This Week’s Resources To Support Teachers Coping With Scho
KEEP UP/ CATCH UP WITH DIANE RAVITCH'S BLOG A site to discuss better education for all #REDFORED #tbats #COUP #IMPEACHEDAGAIN
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all KEEP UP/ CATCH UP WITH DIANE RAVITCH'S BLOG A site to discuss better education for all What Trump Did During the Insurrection by dianeravitch / 15min Hiding from the rioters in a secret location away from the Capitol, House Minority 


Big Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES How the New Variant Could Affect Kids and Schools Ducey says parents should pressure districts to reopen Arizona classrooms - by @DannyShapiro13 on @ktar923 Why Billions In Food Aid Hasn't Gotten To Needy Families htt
Sara Stevenson: Our “Lord of the Flies” Moment | Diane Ravitch's blog
Sara Stevenson: Our “Lord of the Flies” Moment Sara Stevenson was a middle school teacher and librarian in Austin, Texas, for many years. She wrote this post in response to the current crisis, which reminded her of Lord of the Flies . She begins like this: Several editorialists have compared recent events to the 1954 classic and bane of high school students for decades, The Lord of the Flies by
Another F – Tennessee Education Report
ANOTHER F T he Education Law Center recently published its annual analysis of school funding in the states. Once again, Tennessee received a grade of “F” in both funding level and funding effort. I could actually write this exact same story every single year. Tennessee doesn’t adequately fund our schools. The bipartisan group TACIR – Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations –
Hack Education: Behaviorism, Surveillance, and (School) Work | National Education Policy Center
Hack Education: Behaviorism, Surveillance, and (School) Work I was a speaker today at the #AgainstSurveillance teach-in , a fundraiser for Ian Linkletter who is being sued by the online test-proctoring software company Proctorio . I am very pleased but also really outraged to be here today to help raise money for Ian Linkletter's defense and, more broadly, to help raise awareness about the dange
Will Public School Budget Cuts Boost Charter Movement? - LA Progressive
Will Public School Budget Cuts Boost Charter Movement? The Charter Schools Movement Sees Public Schools Preparing for Deep Funding Cuts as a Growth Opportunity Apromotional message on the website of the Minnesota Math and Science Academy (MMSA), a K-12 charter school in Saint Paul, Minnesota, boasts that since the school was founded in 2014, it has been “growing exponentially.” In the span of ju
Biden to ask for tens of billions of dollars to help open schools - The Washington Post
Biden, aiming to reopen schools, set to request infusion of cash President-elect Joe Biden will ask Congress for $130 billion to help K-12 schools reopen, plus billions more to implement rapid coronavirus testing in schools, a far more aggressive response than anything lawmakers have approved to date. Another plank of Biden’s proposal, announced Thursday, aims to mount a national vaccination pla
Teacher Tom: The Magnificence of Humans
The Magnificence of Humans As I rounded the corner, I saw her at the end of the block, a woman on roller blades. She spun like a ballet dancer, then started heading my way, her arms swinging to build momentum. With a snap she turned her back toward me, then raised her right leg into an arabesque, toes pointed sharply, one arm over her head, which was, like her raised leg, parallel to the ground.
MLK Jr. Day Reader 2021 – radical eyes for equity
MLK Jr. Day Reader 2021 From 1984 until 2002, 18 years, I taught high school English in the town and school where I grew up and graduated, moving into the classroom of my high school English teacher, Lynn Harrill, where I had sat as a student just six years earlier. My first few years were overwhelming and at times terrifying; I taught five different preparations—managing fifteen different textb
Education Matters: Just how bad was the DCPS Covid dashboard
Just how bad was the DCPS Covid dashboard So DCPS has changed the dashboard AGAIN. Supposedly to increase transparency. I think anything THIS district does to improve transparency is a good thing, but I wonder why now. It's probably because most people have known the dashboard has been tragically wrong, and this gives them the opportunity to pass the bunch to the DOH. From the Times Union, Wedne
Back By Unpopular Demand! My Kindle E-Book About My Life | Gary Rubinstein's Blog
Back By Unpopular Demand! My Kindle E-Book About My Life Anyone who reads this blog knows that I’m a math teacher. Math and teaching are two of my life passions and they are two things that I have some talent for. I would say that I’m a ‘very good’ teacher but merely a ‘good’ mathematician. I’m also a writer. I’ve written 7 books (4 math books, 2 books on teaching, and co-authored 1 children’s b
Biden’s Education Plan Addressed Lagging School Funding: Now with a Democratic Senate Majority, He Needs to Act | janresseger
Biden’s Education Plan Addressed Lagging School Funding: Now with a Democratic Senate Majority, He Needs to Act President Elect Joe Biden prioritized public school funding as the center of his education plan during his campaign to be the Democratic nominee for President. Why did he prioritize public school finance and why is it so urgently important in 2021? Here are Jack Schneider and Jennifer
Rebecca Klein: These Textbooks In Thousands Of K-12 Schools Echo Trump’s Talking Points | HuffPost
These Textbooks In Thousands Of K-12 Schools Echo Trump’s Talking Points | HuffPost These Textbooks In Thousands Of K-12 Schools Echo Trump’s Talking Points Their religion-centered, anti-Democrat, anti-science, anti-multicultural message mirrors the Christian nationalism seen at the U.S. Capitol riot. Christian textbooks used in thousands of schools around the country teach that President Barack
A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 - A Lot Is Going On! Here’s Everything (Well, ALMOST Everything) You Need Fo

JAN 14

Big Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Bill Banning Locked Seclusion and Face-Down Restraints in Illinois Schools Stalls as Lawmakers Run Out of Time Education Matters: The Duval County school board just doesn't get it -
David Labaree on Schooling, History, and Writing: Do No Harm: Reflections on the Impact of Educational Research | National Education Policy Center
David Labaree on Schooling, History, and Writing: Do No Harm: Reflections on the Impact of Educational Research This post is a short piece I wrote in 2011 for a special issue of the journal Teacher Education and Practice on “Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Scholarship.” My one take is that research in education is not necessarily well positioned to enhance education; on the contrary, it
The Riot at the Capitol: Classroom Lessons?* | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
The Riot at the Capitol: Classroom Lessons?* In an earlier post , I pointed out the obvious fact that tax-supported public schools were political institutions. Not in the partisan sense of Republican and Democrat but in serving the community in socializing community values in the next generation including respect for and pride in the nation. When taxpayers want their schools to instill core valu
Republicans Usher in the Land Free from the Truth: Free Speech v. Free Markets – radical eyes for equity
Republicans Usher in the Land Free from the Truth: Free Speech v. Free Markets We know of course there’s really no such thing as the “voiceless.” There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard. ARUNDHATI ROY: THE 2004 SYDNEY PEACE PRIZE LECTURE Labeled as “surreal” by Emilia Petrarca , Marjorie Taylor Greene (R – Georgia) wore as “censored” face mask while speaking from the
A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 - Around The Web In ESL/EFL/ELL by Larry Ferlazzo / 4h BiljaST / Pixabay Six
Schott Foundation's 2020 Grantmaking Impact + Eight #EdJustice Policy Wins that Give us Hope for 2021 | Schott Foundation for Public Education
Schott Foundation's 2020 Grantmaking Impact | Schott Foundation for Public Education Schott Foundation's 2020 Grantmaking Impact Fueling the frontlines of social progress with philanthropic support is central to Schott’s strategy to advance racial justice in public education. In a year like no other, Schott’s 2020 grantmaking was more nimble, diverse, and participatory than ever before. $1.64 mil
NANCY BAILEY: 6 Ways High-Stakes Standardized Testing Destroys Student Voice
6 Ways High-Stakes Standardized Testing Destroys Student Voice 6 Ways High-Stakes Standardized Testing Destroys Student Voice The National Council of the Teachers of English is Helping Students Find Their Voices in Challenging Times. This title stood out as well worth exploring, but it’s also a reminder that since public education became focused on high-stakes standardized testing, public schools
Stop the Spring Tests! Support the Children! | Diane Ravitch's blog
Stop the Spring Tests! Support the Children! Ann Cook, executive director and co-founder of the New York State Performance Standards Consortium, and Phyllis Tashlik, director of the Consortium’s Center for Inquiry in Teaching and Learning, argue in this article in the New York Daily News that the spring testing should be canceled. The Consortium, a group of a few dozen high schools in New York,
Teacher Tom: Getting Straight A's
Getting Straight A's Over the New Year's break, I spent a few days reorganizing our laundry room/storage closet. Among the items in there were boxes of keepsakes, which is why it was a multiple-day project: I found myself considering each item, remembering, and telling myself and my family the stories they evoked. Among the memorabilia I found my very first report card from Meadowfield Elementar
Understanding and Countering Islamophobia - Year 2021 (CA Dept of Education)
State Superintendent Tony Thurmond and Experts Discuss Approaches to Understanding and Countering Islamophobia SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond today joined leaders from the Islamic Networks Group (ING) in a virtual classroom session on understanding and countering Islamophobia. The event was the third in a series of ongoing virtual classroom and professional d
NYC Educator: UFT Delegate Assembly January 13, 2021--Waiting for Vaccines
UFT Delegate Assembly January 13, 2021--Waiting for Vaccines 4:19 UFT President Michael Mulgrew welcomes us. National --Has been difficult week. Tough for teachers to explain. We've never had students seeing everything happening in real time all the time. This is on top of all the other issues. We have to guide students through this craziness. We get no support at all from DOE. Hopefully things
Washington Privacy Act, SB5062, does not go far enough to protect consumers or students | Parent Coalition for Student Privacy
WASHINGTON PRIVACY ACT, SB5062, DOES NOT GO FAR ENOUGH TO PROTECT CONSUMERS OR STUDENTS On January 14, 2021, the Washington state legislature will hold a hearing on a privacy bill, The Washington Privacy Act, SB 5062 which is weak and does not fully protect consumers’ right to privacy: SB5062 does nothing to better protect educational, teacher, or student data. SB5062 does not apply to state or
CURMUDGUCATION: AZ: Teachers Slapped Yet Again
AZ: Teachers Slapped Yet Again Arizona is one of a handful of states that owe a debt to Florida; were it not for the Sunshine State, Arizona would be a strong contender for State Most Hostile To Public Education. And now their governor is sticking it to teachers yet again. Arizona has a long-standing problem with convincing teachers to work there ; they are one of the states that was recruiting

JAN 13

Big Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES It Appears That Biden May Now Be Realistically Looking At A Fall Timeline To Reopen Schools | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - on @Larryferlazzo Harris teases immigration agenda: Green cards for DACA and TPS recipients, shorter waits for citizenship
A 50-State Analysis of PPP Funding of Charter Schools, Religious Schools, and Private Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog
A 50-State Analysis of PPP Funding of Charter Schools, Religious Schools, and Private Schools Good Jobs First has studied the distribution of COVID relief funds in depth. It created a site called COVID Stimulus Watch. It published an article about the depth of corruption in the Trump administration, which distributed COVID relief funds. In this post, the researchers at Good Jobs First reveal the
Books of 2020 | Teacher in a strange land
Books of 2020 One of my favorite things to do with my largely unstructured pandemic days and nights is read, then talk with people about books. Online. I’m always looking for new titles, recommendations of someone’s old favorite—and also thumbs-down reviews, especially when they’re about books everyone seems to be reading or praising (lookin’ at you, Bridgertons). I’ve never been good about choo
On Reading and Comic Books: A Journey from 1975 to 2021 (and Beyond) – radical eyes for equity
On Reading and Comic Books: A Journey from 1975 to 2021 (and Beyond) She was born in November 1963/The day Aldous Huxley died/And her mama believed/That everyone could be free “RUN, BABY, RUN,” SHERYL CROW The summer of 1975, I was diagnosed with scoliosis and fitted with a form-fitting plastic body brace anchored with aluminum rods and spanning from my pelvic bone to my chin. This was a hell of
Los Angeles school board could sue California over Newsom reopening plan
Los Angeles school board could sue California over Newsom reopening plan SACRAMENTO — The Los Angeles Unified school board voted Tuesday to authorize the district to sue California over Gov. Gavin Newsom's new school reopening plan, escalating tension between the country's second largest school district and the governor. Following a closed session on Tuesday, the school board announced that it h
A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 -
Choosing Democracy: Response to the Proposed Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum for California
Response to the Proposed Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum for California This is in response to the Ethnic Studies model curriculum draft posted for public review by the California State Board of Education. Response by Sacramento League of United Latin American Citizens, Lorenzo Patiño Council, 2862. Sacramento, California. We offer the following critiques. Chapter 4. Bibliography The proposed bi
Teacher Tom: Does "Parenting" Stand in the Way of Growing?
Does "Parenting" Stand in the Way of Growing? At the center of every healthy relationship, and many unhealthy relationships for that matter, is unconditional love. We love our children, our parents, our spouses, and our friends, but, of course, we don't love all of them in the same way: there is a kind of love we have for a lover that is distinct from the love we have our parents. In turn, the l
New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait Is Bragging Again About Charter Schools | janresseger
New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait Is Bragging Again About Charter Schools Last week, New York Magazine ‘s Jonathan Chait published another of his long rants about the failure of public schools, the glories of charter schools, and all the reasons he disdains teachers unions. Chait begins: “In the dozen years since Barack Obama undertook the most dramatic education reform in half a century—proddi
Audio: Amid Surges, Teachers Line Up For Their Vaccines | 89.3 KPCC
Amid Surges, Teachers Line Up For Their Vaccines Don Brown has been driving a school bus for more than 20 years in the Chicago area. And for all that time, he's noticed one odd student habit. As they climb aboard his bus, "when they get to the top step, they always cough," he says. "This was even before the pandemic! Or, when they get ready to get off, they say 'Bye, bus driver!' and they cough.
It's Remote Teacher Vs In Person Teacher Thanks to the New York Post SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL BLOG - southbronxschool com It's Remote Teacher Vs In Person Teacher Thanks to the New York Post In this corner we have remote teachers. In the other corner we have in person teachers. And in the center of the ring we have the New York Post stirring the shit pot and and pitting teachers against one another . This story, which myself and The Crack team believe was planted by the DOE starts off
Dan Shelton Compares Protesting Teachers Meeting To Terrorist Attack At The Capitol. Time To Step Down Dan! | Exceptional Delaware
Dan Shelton Compares Protesting Teachers Meeting To Terrorist Attack At The Capitol. Time To Step Down Dan! In a moment of unbelievable stupidity, Christina Superintendent Dan Shelton actually suggested that the teachers airing their beefs with the idiotic decisions he has made on behalf of their district is comparable to social media groups that led to the attacks on the United States Capitol l
Education Matters: Teacher fear in DCPS is real and palpable.
Teacher fear in DCPS is real and palpable. I have written many times about the lack of contact tracing, and social distancing, and how the dashboard shouldn't be believed. If the district cares, they sure haven't shown it, and the fear for many teachers and staff is real. I received this from a reader. I have edited it to take out anything identifying because, sadly, in DCPS, teachers have a lot
Did DeVos Get A Raw Deal In today's National Review, Rick Hess is suggesting that Betsy DeVos got a raw deal, that attacks on her "have taken a torch to the basic standards of public discourse and democratic civility." Hess acknowledges some of the issues surrounding her as legit ones: During her tempestuous tenure in office, DeVos evoked strong feelings among her critics. Many disagreed vehemen
NYC Educator: The Post, with Little Evidence, Creates a Teacher Issue
The Post, with Little Evidence, Creates a Teacher Issue The Post has a piece suggesting teachers are at war with one another over who gets the vaccine. That's absurd, and there are several large hints in the story. The biggest hint is who they quote--one anonymous DOE employee, one anonymous administrator, and one anonymous teacher. (Let's disregard the fact that none of those quoted feel comfor
- What's New: 2021–22 FFVP Request for Applications - SSO and SFSP Integrity Plan - 2021 SFSP Reimbursement Rates - California Department of Education
California Department of Education CA Dept of Education - What's New 2021 SFSP Reimbursement Rates 20h On December 31, 2020, the U.S. Department of Agriculture issued the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) 2021 reimbursement rates for breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks. CNAC Member Recruitment 2021 20h The State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC)

JAN 12

Big Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Push to open California public schools in February thrills some parents, terrifies some teachers, as COVID surges - on @mercnews Spare the tests, support the children: Forget about standardized exams this year - New York Daily News -
As DeVos exits, where does education go next? -
As DeVos exits, where does education go next? WHY WE WROTE THIS Secretary of education isn’t typically a prominent Cabinet position. But the resignation of Betsy DeVos, whose tenure brought considerable controversy, is prompting discussion about where education should go from here. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is one of the highest profile Cabinet members to resign from President Donald Trump
Mitchell Robinson: How do you spell “hypocrisy”? “G-O-P.” | Eclectablog
How do you spell “hypocrisy”? “G-O-P.” | Eclectablog How do you spell “hypocrisy”? “G-O-P.” Republicans would like you to believe they are the party of “national security”–except when it’s the security of the nation’s Capitol… Storming of the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 “House Charges Donald Trump With Impeachment for ‘Inciting an Insurrection'” Republicans would like you to believe they are the
TFA Snags Top Job in Biden Administration | Diane Ravitch's blog
TFA Snags Top Job in Biden Administration Well, that didn’t take long! The Biden administration has selected a TFA person for one of the plum jobs in the White House. At least half a dozen individuals recently appointed to positions in the White House include those with teaching experience and others who have worked with education-focused organizations. While several have most recently worked on
Jill Biden's former students share stories about her classes - The Washington Post
Most people know her as Jill Biden. But to some she is Dr. B, the compassionate and challenging educator who went the extra mile. Mikaela Stack knew her English professor as the “petite, blond lady” who “dressed up to the T.” The professor was a strict, but fair, grader. She assigned an essay every week and shared stories about her trips through Africa. Stack had left Sweden in 2014 to pursue a
Is it safe to send your kids to school? |
Is it safe to send your kids to school? Health experts worry the issue has become politicized, and argue it's safer than one might think — with a catch Ten months into the pandemic, the prospect of reopening K-12 schools is divisive. Yet unlike wearing a mask to stop the spread of the virus — a politicized act which is scientifically proven to work — there is far more nuance between the "right"
A New Secretary for the Department of Education – Have You Heard
A New Secretary for the Department of Education What does the selection of Miguel Cardona for Secretary of Education portend for K-12 education? Kevin Welner, head of the National Education Policy Center, joins Jack and Jennifer to discuss how Cardona is likely to differ from Betsy DeVos – and Arne Duncan. Complete transcript of the episode is here . The financial support of listeners like you k
Teacher Tom: Education Has Nothing to Do With Right and Wrong Answers
Education Has Nothing to Do With Right and Wrong Answers My wife Jennifer and I recently met a man named Leon. I found him to be thoughtful, sophisticated, and witty. Yesterday, I overheard Jennifer describing our new friend to someone else, "He's loud, inappropriate, and wildly hilarious." Surely, she wasn't talking about Leon, but she was. How can two people share an experience, yet come away
Top-Down Reform in Chinese Schools and Classroom Practices | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Top-Down Reform in Chinese Schools and Classroom Practices While I do read a lot of articles and books on the history of Chinese education and once spent a month lecturing at Beijing universities in 1987, I am no expert on how children and youth are schooled in the People’s Republic of China. But journalist Lenora Chu who wrote about Chinese schooling from the perspective of a mother of a kinder
Control Your Destiny, Schedule the Vaccination Yourself - SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL BLOG southbronxschool com Control Your Destiny, Schedule the Vaccination Yourself I am appreciative of the UFT, NYSUT, and whatever other groups expedited teachers and educators into group 1B so we can get vaccinated. What I am not crazy about are the strings attached and what it appears to be that the only way we can get vaccinated is through the DOE and/or the UFT. Why? Basically to contr
NYC Educator: UFT Executive Board January 11, 2021--The Elusive Vaccine
UFT Executive Board January 11, 2021--The Elusive Vaccine Joined in progress 6:05 -- Mulgrew --Will have more .possibilities for funding with new Senate. Very sad week for US this week, lost clout internationally Positivitity rate inside schools very low. There is usually a small bump after holiday. We are still closing schools under emergency provision. Today 190 schools closed. Monday always w
CURMUDGUCATION: Donors Choose Monday: Ukuleles
Donors Choose Monday: Ukuleles Okay, this has turned out to be more sporadic than I originally planned. Bt I'm still committed to making regular attempts to supporting public school teachers in small ways (beyond just yapping about policy issues). Yes, Donors Choose sometimes includes requests for funding that absolutely should be coming from the local district, and no, I don't have any way of c
WHAT COMES FIRST, UNITY OR JUSTICE? “Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.” ― Alexander the Great I tell you, I could go a long time without another week like last week. Unfortunately, early indicators are that more of the same with increased peril lies ahead. This morning I scrolled through my Twitter feed with a deepening horror, recoiling from visages of last week and reactions fr
NYS Board of Regents selects Lester Young as Chancellor | Ed In The Apple
NYS Board of Regents selects Lester Young as Chancellor Over the last few years when an education leader was selected, i. e., head of NYC schools, or, US Secretary of Education I had to scramble to check them out. The selection of Lester Young as chancellor of the Board of Regents culminates a lengthy career serving the children of the city and state of New York. Back in the days of decentraliza
A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 - New Resources On Race & Racism by Larry Ferlazzo / 4h I’m adding these new

JAN 11

Big Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Stunned teachers and scared students: How the Capitol insurrection is overtaking lessons solidaridad: Recommending: Time to End Tax Breaks for Charter Schools and The Ultra-Rich -
Dr. John H. Jackson: The Malice of One and the Silence of Many: January 6th is the Emblematic Expression of America's Historic Tension | Schott Foundation for Public Education
The Malice of One and the Silence of Many: January 6th is the Emblematic Expression of America's Historic Tension | Schott Foundation for Public Education The Malice of One and the Silence of Many: January 6th is the Emblematic Expression of America's Historic Tension The violent attack on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021 was a stark reminder of America’s historic tensions and struggles. The storming
New studies provide more info for in-person school and community spread
PROOF POINTS: Two new studies point to virus thresholds for in-person school Researchers looked at hospitalization and coronavirus case rates Two new studies on whether to keep schools open during the coronavirus pandemic come to strikingly similar conclusions: it’s not a simple yes or no. Instead, there are public health thresholds that can indicate when in-person classes are safe. The similari
Carrots and Sticks – Tennessee Education Report CARROTS AND STICKS E ven as Tennessee’s COVID-19 numbers continue to surge, some leading lawmakers and Gov. Bill Lee are considering using the state’s funding formula (BEP) to create incentives for districts to return to in-person learning sooner rather than later. The Tennessee Lookout reports on House Education Committee Chair Mark White’s remarks
Time to End Tax Breaks for Charter Schools and The Ultra-Rich | by Jake Jacobs | Jan, 2021 | Medium
Time to End Tax Breaks for Charter Schools and The Ultra-Rich Originally published on Diane Ravitch’s Blog Joe Biden’s recent nomination of Miguel Cardona as a relatively lesser-known, less controversial selection for Secretary of Education was telling. It shows the incoming administration’s reticence to take a side in the ongoing battle over school choice and standardized testing, just like mos
A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 - Monday’s Must-Read Articles On School Reopenings by Larry Ferlazzo / 4h ll
It Doesn’t Make Any Sense To Give State Standardized Tests This Spring OR Any Kind Of Standardized Benchmark Assessments | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE TO GIVE STATE STANDARDIZED TESTS THIS SPRING OR ANY KIND OF STANDARDIZED BENCHMARK ASSESSMENTS It’s a bit mind-boggling to me that we even need to discuss the topic of this post – of course we shouldn’t have standardized tests this spring and, of course we should have any kind of standardized benchmark tests (as our district is pushing). The impetus for both of these ef
Worth A Look: Locke v. Davey (2004) - from "It Followed Her To School One Day..." | Blue Cereal Education
Worth A Look: Locke v. Davey (2004) - from "It Followed Her To School One Day..." The following is a first draft of one of the mini-chapters from an upcoming book covering the major "wall of separation" cases related to public education over the past century. The working title is "Have To" History: It Followed Her To School One Day... We'll see how it actually turns out. Worth A Look: Locke v. D
MITCHELL ROBINSON: Trump Has Incited…a Reckoning | Eclectablog
Trump Has Incited…a Reckoning | Eclectablog Trump Has Incited…a Reckoning In the aftermath of Wednesday’s attempted coup attempt by the sitting president of the United States, one thing is abundantly clear: There needs to be a major reckoning, and those responsible must be held accountable. We can’t function as a society if we have people among us who are so easily misled and hoodwinked. People w
How is it that the IEA and other unions endorsed Mike Bost for Congress, a Confederate Insurrectionist? – Fred Klonsky
HOW IS IT THAT THE IEA AND OTHER UNIONS ENDORSED MIKE BOST FOR CONGRESS, A CONFEDERATE INSURRECTIONIST? For nearly 40 years I have scratched my head at many of the political decisions of my teachers’ union, the Illinois Education Association. A search of past blog posts will illustrate a number of past examples. Endorsing Congressman Mike Bost is just one example of why I long ago stopped donati
Teacher Tom: Courtesy, Politeness, and Civility
Courtesy, Politeness, and Civility I don't wear a mask because I'm afraid of getting the virus. I'm not even particularly worried about spreading the virus to other people because I'm careful and am tested regularly. No, I wear my mask without complaint because it is the civil thing to do, or as I usually think of it, I'm being polite because I know that some people are afraid. I wear my mask fo
Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking in the Era of Trump and TikTok – radical eyes for equity
Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking in the Era of Trump and TikTok While it now seems like generations ago, in the spring of 2008, I joined other faculty at Furman University in an organized protest labeled “We Object.” Through the university’s connections with FU graduate and former governor of South Carolina Mark Sanford, George W. Bush was invited to speak at commencement. Recent univ
Washington Post Joins NY Times to Demand Reinstatement of Standardized Tests in Schools this Spring: It Is Still a Bad Idea | janresseger
Washington Post Joins NY Times to Demand Reinstatement of Standardized Tests in Schools this Spring: It Is Still a Bad Idea On Friday, the Washington Post editorialized to demand the reinstatement—this spring in the midst of COVID-19—of the standardized tests mandated by No Child Left Behind and its successor, the Every Student Succeed Act. Betsy DeVos mercifully cancelled the testing mandate la
The Vaccinations are Here! What to Know - SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL BLOG The Vaccinations are Here! What to Know Sometime last night during my binge watching of Family Guy I got a text from one of the many SBSB groupies. It was shared with me that sign up is available for those who qualify under group 1B for the COVID vaccination (I'll post the link at the end of this post). Finally! This vaccination process, at least in NY State is tak
On This Insurrection, and The Next | The Jose Vilson
ON THIS INSURRECTION, AND THE NEXT I wasn’t supposed to ever forget the day because it was my son’s ninth birthday. In the middle of a pandemic, we still thought it best to keep this tradition. On the news, anchors kept reiterating that the day’s proceedings wouldn’t normally get this much attention if not for the president’s consistent obfuscation about the proceedings. One by one, he and his c
Education Matters: Duval Courts close, Duval schools stay open, um wait what?!?
Duval Courts close, Duval schools stay open, um wait what?!? Chief Judge Mark Mahone and Superintendent Greene must be looking at the same information. So what do they do? The chief Judge closes the courts until February 22nd while Superintendent Greene encourages children to return to the buildings. Greene's reckless behavior is going to get (more) people sick or worse. From the Times Union, In

JAN 10