If You’re Not a Feminist – What the Hell is Wrong with You!!?

I am a male human being.
And you’d better believe I’m a feminist.
I wear that label proudly.
The other day a friend of mine heard one of my articles was published in Everyday Feminism. And he said, “Kind of a backhanded compliment. Isn’t it?”
Hell no!
What does that mean? Would someone suppose that a man being considered a feminist somehow made him less of a man?
On the contrary. I think it makes him more of one. It makes him a decent freakin’ person.
I just don’t understand this ridicule and fear of being called a feminist. I see it in both men and women.
The other day a co-worker said she’s all for the idea that men and women deserve equal pay for the same job, but she doesn’t consider herself a feminist.
Why the Hell not? That is a distinctly feminist point of view.
There seems to be this stigma about the term as if being a feminist was tantamount If You’re Not a Feminist – What the Hell is Wrong with You!!? | gadflyonthewallblog: