James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

NYC Public School Parents: Parents and Educators Reject the Tests, the Scores and Corporate Agenda of NYSED & Pearson
NYC Public School Parents: Parents and Educators Reject the Tests, the Scores and Corporate Agenda of NYSED & Pearson: Parents and Educators Reject the Tests, the Scores and Corporate Agenda of NYSED & PearsonIf as many as 60,000 students opted out as John King admitted today, that means the participation rate statewide was less than 95%. Remember to (re) read the classic, the Common Core
The Doctor/Music Connection and The Terrible Disregard for Music in Public Schools
The Doctor/Music Connection and The Terrible Disregard for Music in Public Schools: The Doctor/Music Connection and The Terrible Disregard for Music in Public SchoolsAUGUST 14, 2014 BY NANCY BAILEY LEAVE A COMMENTHow does music help prepare students for life? Ask all the prestigious doctors in Boston!The Boston Globe has a fascinating piece by Christoph Westphal about the importance of music to be
The People’s Choice Is McKenna …. for the fourth time – redqueeninla
The People’s Choice Is McKenna …. for the fourth time – redqueeninla: The People’s Choice Is McKenna …. for the fourth timeWritten by redqueeninla in EducationWINS!!!LA Wins the Most Shocking Apathy Voter Award all over again. And despite ever-diminishing numbers of voters manages to leverage national significance from their voice.Besting last June’s record low turnout of 13.1 percent, this specia
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: #MichaelBrown May Be Sitting in Your Classroom...
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: #MichaelBrown May Be Sitting in Your Classroom...: #MichaelBrown May Be Sitting in Your Classroom...Demonstrators Aaron Little (R), Gianni Cook (C) and Troy Jones hold signs while protesting against the death of black teenager Michael Brown, outside St Louis County Circuit Clerk building in Clayton, Missouri August 12, 2014.(attribution to Reuters)So will #trayvo
empathyeducates – Michael Brown and The Education of Our Black Men
empathyeducates – Michael Brown and The Education of Our Black Men: Michael Brown and The Education of Our Black MenPhotograph; Michael Brown. Hershel Johnson, a friend of Brown’s since middle school remembers. “He said he wasn’t going to end up like some people on the streets. He was going to get an education. He was going to make his life a whole a lot better.”By Charles M. Blow | Originally Pub
Marie Corfield: The gentrification of Camden's schools Part II: Love is all you need
Marie Corfield: The gentrification of Camden's schools Part II: Love is all you need: The gentrification of Camden's schools Part II: Love is all you needgentrification—noun 1. the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper- or middle-income families or individuals, thus improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small busine
The Ad Hoc Committee for Justice on Behalf of Michael Brown has handed out flyers with four demands - COLORLINES
Ferguson Police Won’t Release Name of Officer that Killed Michael Brown - COLORLINES: Ferguson Police Won’t Release Name of Officer that Killed Michael BrownProtestors in Ferguson, Missouri, denouncing Michael Brown’s death at the hands of a police officer have made requests. A group known as The Ad Hoc Committee for Justice on Behalf of Michael Brown has handed out flyers with four demands:The of
Wal-Mart, Don't Discount the Power of Teachers | MomsRising's Blog
Wal-Mart, Don't Discount the Power of Teachers | MomsRising's Blog: Wal-Mart, Don't Discount the Power of TeachersAugust 14, 2014 At the end of July, I was inundated with Facebook posts telling me about Wal-Mart’s Teacher Appreciation Week. How were teachers like me appreciated exactly? We could get an e-card for 10 percent back on “qualifying” purchases of supplies, basically a glorified gift car
What We Know About Michael Brown's High School
What We Know About Michael Brown's High School: What We Know About Michael Brown’s High SchoolIn short: Normandy High is deeply racially segregated. It has a staggeringly high suspension rate. The school’s curriculum has little rigor. And Michael Brown was one of just 58 percent of his classmates who graduated.After Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday, his mother, Lesley Mc
8-14-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): LAUSD opens arms to Central American immigrant childrenLAUSD opens arms to Central American immigrant children Via Los Angeles Times | By Howard Blume At the low-slung bungalow west of downtown, a youngster screams from a vaccination and a nurse records the height and weight of an older boy. Academic coun
8-14-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: All My Ed Week Posts On Education Policy Issues — In One Place!My latest Education Week piece shares all my posts from the past three years on education policy issues — in one place! Here’s an excerpt:by Larry Ferlazzo / 39min 8-13-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFLLarry Ferlazzo’s
Michelle Rhee drops out of school group Getting into Politics?- Stephanie Simon - POLITICO.com
Michelle Rhee drops out of school group - Stephanie Simon - POLITICO.com: Michelle Rhee drops out of school group By STEPHANIE SIMON | 8/13/14 8:05 PM EDT Updated: 8/13/14 11:44 PM EDTMichelle Rhee had big ambitions when she went on Oprah four years ago to launch her new advocacy group, StudentsFirst, with a promise to raise $1 billion to transform education policy nationwide.But as she prepares t
8-14-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
Looking Back (Part 4) | Taking Note
Looking Back (Part 4) | Taking Note: "Looking Back (Part 4)"Looking Back (Part 4)(For the past couple of weeks I have been writing about my own experiences as an education reporter. Here’s another segment.)I left the warmth and security of NPR in 1982, but in early 1985 I was unemployed and, to put it mildly, nervous about my future. The 7-part documentary series I had spent 2 ½ years w
8-14-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Revisiting Content and Direct InstructionIt is the 1890s, and educators are concerned that students are not receiving the quality education they deserve—especially if those students plan to attend college. What became known as The Report of the Committee of Ten has now b
Help!, Vote for Next Post: Who Should be Responded to First!? | Cloaking Inequity
Help!, Vote for Next Post: Who Should be Responded to First!? | Cloaking Inequity: Help!, Vote for Next Post: Who Should be Responded to First!?It’s coming in from all directions this week. So I need your help to decide who should be responded to first on Cloaking Inequity. Here are the candidates:There is an attack today from neoliberal RedefinED on vouchers insinuating that I am a union shill an
Morning Wink 8-13-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-14-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Missouri: Rex Sinquefeld Wants to Gut Local Control and Impose Unfunded MandatesMultimillionaire equity investor Rex Sinquefeld doesn’t like public education. Apparently he doesn’t like teachers
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-14-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Missouri: Rex Sinquefeld Wants to Gut Local Control and Impose Unfunded MandatesMultimillionaire equity investor Rex Sinquefeld doesn’t like public education. Apparently he doesn’t like teachers either. He doesn’t think teachers should be evaluated by their administrators but by the standardized test scores of their students. Evide
8-14-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice Guy
Wait What?: Wait What? Pelto/Murphy 2014 The problem is poverty, language barriers and unmet special education needs!Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy and Tom Foley both claim that they are committed to doing something about Connecticut’s “failing” schools. Democrat Malloy began his approach by becoming the only Democratic governor in the national to propose doing away with teacher tenure and repealing
8-14-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: No, third grade is not the year when kids go from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’No doubt you’ve heard this: ‘Third grade is the year when students go from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn.’ The truth is not so clear-cut, as explained here by Joanne Yatvin, a past president of the National Council of Teachers of English who now supervises student teachers for Portlan
8-14-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: What Does Ferguson, MO Have to Do With 9-11?Last night I watched the police in Ferguson, MO as they rolled out their armored vehicles with machine guns on top to confront peaceful protestors and the media. Even though no curfew had been declared by the mayor or any of the other political cowards in the state, the police, bristling with armor bought with unlimited Homeland Security
8-14-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Gaza, MO. Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery’s account of his arrest.-Wesley Lowery is an reporter for the Washington Post. An officer with a large weapon came up to me and said, “Stop recording.” I said, “Officer, do I not have the right to record you?” He backed off but told me to hurry up. So I
8-14-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: ParalysisI'm having a very interesting problem. I, as everyone else, am under a bombardment of heavy exploding shells loaded not with shrapnel, but with information. Information which explodes in my mind, branching off into threads of thought processes, any of which could lead to a blog. So many threads that I can't make decisions on what to write about. Thus, paralysis.I always h
8-14-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: For (Some of) the ChildrenChildren are the photo prop of choice for conflicts in war zones around the world. Photographic coverage of the Iraqi refugees trapped by Isis activity has been heavy on photographs of children in the camp. Shocking images from Syria have centered on children (upsetting enough that I'm not going to link). And current warfare in Gaza opened with children-ce
8-14-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: NYSED To Release Common Core Test Scores TodayFrom WIVB:BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - The tests are over, and soon we will know the outcome of round two of Common Core testing. New York will release the results Thursday. Students took the math and English tests in April. This is the second year of the controversial testing standards. New York students scored lower last year than th
More Poetry on Teachers and Teaching | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
More Poetry on Teachers and Teaching | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: More Poetry on Teachers and TeachingLast month I began a feature on poetry about teachers and teaching. Poets who write about teaching are educators, students, and non-educators. Across the globe, they share a common experience of being in classrooms for years. Capturing the feelings, thoughts, and special
Why Checks and Balances Need to Include the Courts | janresseger
Why Checks and Balances Need to Include the Courts | janresseger: Why Checks and Balances Need to Include the CourtsPosted on August 14, 2014 by janressegerJust last week the Education Law Center, whose attorneys have litigated the landmark New Jersey school funding case in Abbott v. Burke, announced that the Education Law Center has “joined the legal teams in Maisto v. State of New York and Bacon
Randi Weingarten on Hillary Clinton and Partisanship in the Ed Debate - Education Writers Association
Randi Weingarten on Hillary Clinton and Partisanship in the Ed Debate - Education Writers Association: Randi Weingarten on Hillary Clinton and Partisanship in the Ed DebateMAY 19, 2014AFT President Randi Weingarten talks support for Hillary Clinton, the possibility of a union-backed Republican candidate, and next year’s mayoral race in Chicago.Recorded May 19, 2014 at EWA’s 67th National Seminar.W
NYC Educator: E4E and Union Leaders--Strange Bedfellows
NYC Educator: E4E and Union Leaders--Strange Bedfellows: E4E and Union Leaders--Strange BedfellowsOne of the interesting things about the corporate push to #SupportTheCore on Twitter was the E4E do-it-yourself page.It had all these wonderful suggestions. First it told you how to join Twitter, if you hadn't yet done so. Then it gave you formulas for writing tweets, like I #SupportTheCore because it
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Waking up to a not-so-new American morning
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Waking up to a not-so-new American morning: Waking up to a not-so-new American morning"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble" -- 1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution“A riot is the language of the unheard.” -- Dr. M.L. KingThis is supposed to be the 1st day of school in Fe
empathyeducates – “Black and White Twins” and the Social Construction of Race
empathyeducates – “Black and White Twins” and the Social Construction of Race: “Black and White Twins” and the Social Construction of RaceBy Lisa Wade, PhD | Originally Published at Society Pages. August 1, 2014, at 09:00 AMFlashback Friday.This remarkable newspaper article illustrates how skin color (which is real) gets translated into categorical racial categories (which are not). The children i
NYCDOE Consultant Michael Agona Gets Caught in the Honey Jar southbronxschool.com
http://www.southbronxschool.com: NYCDOE Consultant Michael Agona Gets Caught in the Honey JarWith all the talk lately of lawsuits to do away with tenure and mean tweets, it appears that no one wishes to get to the bottom of why the schools are so messed up; those that are in charge and that make the decisions. Shouldn't this mess be cleaned up?As many have read in my own story of why tenure is nee
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Who belongs Part 1
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Who belongs Part 1: Who belongs Part 1This is my family a couple of years ago, and here is a more recent photo:Recently, in the car on the way to the camping trip pictured above, a discussion came up about the time my son was asked to open his backpack in our local grocery store. My son has a tendency to gallop ahead of us and I caught the tail end of that
With Tueday's school board loss, charter advocates recalculate | 89.3 KPCC
With Tueday's school board loss, charter advocates recalculate | 89.3 KPCC: With Tueday's school board loss, charter advocates recalculateWINS!!! After Tuesday's defeat of another of their candidates to the Los Angeles school board, charter school advocates are rethinking how to support local candidates."The area where I would like to see us continue to make strides is reliably marshalling a
Nite Cap 8-13-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPCheers and Checked Again | Continuing ChangeCheers and Checked Again | Continuing Change: Cheers and Checked Again You know you are a nerd when you are watching a local school board meeting, with your cell phone taping, as you cheer at the scree