Another Johnson (Daymond) lining up for LAUSD District 1
Another Johnson (Daymond) lining up for LAUSD District 1 Days before Marguerite LaMotte died last December at the age of 80, Daymond Johnson, a school safety officer and consultant, filed papers with the City Ethics Commission to run for her LA Unified District 1 board seat when her term expired in 2015. Whether she intended to seek reelection or not, his rationale was to infuse the board with som
Kayser, FixLA campaign for funds for more crossing guards
Kayser, FixLA campaign for funds for more crossing guards Officials from FixLA and LA Unified at a press conference, calling for more school crossing guards. As the new school year gets underway, so does a campaign to increase student safety at LA Unified elementary schools. District officials, including board member Bennett Kayser, and members of the FixLA coalition gathered at City Hall this we
LAUSD opens arms to Central American immigrant children
LAUSD opens arms to Central American immigrant children Via Los Angeles Times | By Howard Blume At the low-slung bungalow west of downtown, a youngster screams from a vaccination and a nurse records the height and weight of an older boy. Academic counselors stand by, because it is here that many children who recently crossed the southern border enroll in the Los Angeles Unified School District. As
Morning Read: McKenna’s friends beat Johnson’s money
Morning Read: McKenna’s friends beat Johnson’s money Outspent by rival, McKenna drew on connections in school board victory In this week’s election for a seat on the Los Angeles Board of Education, one side had deep pockets and extensive political connections; the other side had people such as Orley Frost Jr. LA Times Judge: State must help all English learners A judge has ruled that the state is
8-13-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Breaking News: McKenna wins election to LAUSD boardBreaking News: McKenna wins election to LAUSD board George McKenna George McKenna, a lifelong educator as a teacher, principal, superintendent and administrator, won the runoff election tonight, defeating Alex Johnson to claim the District 1 seat on the L