PBS/WNET took money for pension coverage, now check out the Gates Foundation and the Common Core.
David Sirota’s recent series of investigative articles about the extraordinary conflict of interest displayed by the Public Broadcasting Service and WNET has sent shock-waves through across the country. Sirota’s articles include; The Wolf of Sesame Street responds to Pando – much bark, no bite, still stonewalling The Wolf of Sesame Street: Revealing the secret corruption inside PBS’s […]The post P
The truth is that Capital Prep Steve Perry’s “school performance” comes up short
When it comes to the performance of Capital Prep Magnet School, Steve Perry is known for his rhetoric. Perry says “his” students do better than students at traditional public schools. However, by measure after measure, it turns out that his hyperbole is nothing but a lie. When Steve Perry is introduced at his lucrative fee-to-speak […]The post The truth is that Capital Prep Steve Perry’s “school
2-15-14 Wait What? All Week
Wait What?: Wait What? All WeekWho on earth would require HS juniors to take the Common Core Field Test in the spring?Ah…. Well… Governor Malloy, Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor and their corporate education reform industry allies are doing exactly that. When it comes to these proponents of education reform, three of their favorite words tend to be “Common Core, “Standardized Testing,” an