Teachers: Never Forget How Much You Matter
Whether you teach at an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, or an alternative school, this message is for you. This message is for ALL teachers, regardless of your school’s zip code or socio-economic status. This message is for ALL teachers, from first year teachers to teachers one year removed from retirement. This […]
Election night in Douglas County, CO #dougco @dianeravitch
Tim and I have a special episode for you all this evening. We’re chatting with a panel of good people from Douglas County on the eve of a potential rescue of their local school board from a bunch of Koch-heads. Fingers crossed! Are they nervous?!? Find out.
Evidence? Randi Weingarten Ignores the Evidence
In Evidence? Secretary Duncan, You Can’t Handle the Evidence, I note that Duncan simply refuses to acknowledge the abundant evidence that Common Core is a failed standards/testing paradigm. Now Randi Weingarten appears to be traveling down the same misleading path with Will States Fail the Common Core?: Without standards aligned to what kids need to succeed in college, career […]
An Open Exchange with AFT President Randi Weingarten
On October 26 and 27, 2013, I exchanged a number of emails with American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten. I had planned to write a post about Weingarten, which I did on October 27. My post took the form of an open letter to her. I sent it to her for her response […]
11-3-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Guest column: S.C. schools have poverty problem | The Greenville News | greenvilleonline.comGuest column: S.C. schools have poverty problem | The Greenville News | greenvilleonline.com.2 by plthomasedd / 1h mark as read // saveAnother Small Library: Eighty-eight More LDOE DocumentsYesterday, I posted 95 documents, the result of my searching files not obviously available on the