James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

empathyeducates – What White People Can Do About the Killing of Black Men in America
empathyeducates – What White People Can Do About the Killing of Black Men in America: What White People Can Do About the Killing of Black Men in AmericaBy Paul Brandeis Raushenbush | Originally Published at Huffington Post. August 13, 2014 4:18 PM EDT Updated: August 14, 2014 9:59 AM EDT‘Can we switch for just one day?’ my friend Sean jokingly asked me as we were working out at the gym. ‘No, way’
8-15-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: #selfiesforkarebby Fred Klonsky / 9min 8-14-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacherFred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Gaza, MO. Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery’s account of his arrest.-Wesley Lowery is an
Gates Funding Nonprofit to “Review Material for CCSS Alignment”. a National Curriculum? | Missouri Education Watchdog
Gates Funding Nonprofit to “Review Material for CCSS Alignment”. Can We Stop Pretending There is No Intent for a National Curriculum? | Missouri Education Watchdog: Gates Funding Nonprofit to “Review Material for CCSS Alignment”. Can We Stop Pretending There is No Intent for a National Curriculum?inShareWhy are two private foundations funding review of curricula to determine if they align to priva
empathyeducates – Another Reason Why Segregated Education Is Bad For Young Students
empathyeducates – Another Reason Why Segregated Education Is Bad For Young Students: Another Reason Why Segregated Education Is Bad For Young StudentsBy Rebecca Klein Huffington Post. July 30, 2014 Updated: 6:59 PM EDTA new study offers more evidence that segregated schooling is bad for students.The study, from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, used previously compiled data from the D
CCSS, Ferguson, murder, and undeserving children | Reclaim Reform
CCSS, Ferguson, murder, and undeserving children | Reclaim Reform: CCSS, Ferguson, murder, and undeserving childrenPosted on August 15, 2014by Ken PrevitiWhat lesson is being taught to all of us by the abusive treatment and slaughter of young, black males in various locations across the nation?Suburban Ferguson is the latest site of slaughter and police-state overreaction when “order” is disrupted
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Militarization vs. the Network Society
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Militarization vs. the Network Society: Militarization vs. the Network SocietyI was deeply moved yesterday evening, to be standing with more than a thousand fellow Chicagoans, hands raised in a gesture of solidarity with the family ofMichael Brown and the courageous people of Ferguson, MO. Similar demonstrations are taking place in dozens of cities and on university
Michelle Rhee Stepping Down From StudentsFirst | FDL News Desk
Michelle Rhee Stepping Down From StudentsFirst | FDL News Desk: Michelle Rhee Stepping Down From StudentsFirstBy: DSWright Friday August 15, 2014 8:15 am Michelle Rhee is stepping down as the CEO of StudentsFirst to focus on her family and supporting her husband. After being tossed out of the DC school system, Rhee founded StudentsFirst in 2011 as part of her quixotic crusade to blame the problems
Character Change In The ‘Education Reform’ Soap Opera
Character Change In The ‘Education Reform’ Soap Opera: Character Change In The ‘Education Reform’ Soap OperaAUGUST 15, 2014If you’ve ever spent much time watching soap operas, you’re familiar with this scenario: Two characters with furrowed brows, arms akimbo square off: “That’s not true,” says one. “Oh yes it is,” says the other. “If only Brock were here …” as the camera pans right. Music swells,
8-15-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: LAUSD puts new MiSiS computer system on holdMorning Read: LAUSD puts new MiSiS computer system on hold LAUSD in crisis over its new MiSiS computer system Los Angeles Unified told teachers to stop using the new district-wide computer system Thursday, after days of dealing with glitches and ot
8-15-14 The Whole Child Blog — Bringing Health and Wellness Back to School
The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education: ASCD’s New ED on EdJudy Seltz, ASCD's new executive director, outlines her plans for the association and her vision for education in a wide-ranging interview with Education Week blogger Peter Dewitt. In the process, Seltz details some of the association's policy priorities and recent successes. Read on for highlights from the interview. Supporting the
8-15-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Classroom Lessons for CopsAre the Saint Louis County police feeling stupid this morning? I hope so. They should be. The difference between Wednesday and Thursday nights in Ferguson was the difference between chaos and community, between war and peace.The difference certainly wasn't in the crowd; Ferguson's population didn't change over night and they had, if anything, more reason t
TFA’s Diversity Dilemma | EduShyster
TFA’s Diversity Dilemma | EduShyster: TFA’s Diversity Dilemma EduShyster’s D-list reformer gives TFA props for diversifying—but says the organization still treats corps members like they come from privilege By *The 49er*I have a confession to make: I was a Teach for America (TFA) teacher (or corps member as TFA calls its teachers, since just plain teacher is considerably less sexy). While that gi
LAUSD says it's not subject to state's 'parent trigger' law this year - LA Times
LAUSD says it's not subject to state's 'parent trigger' law this year - LA Times: LAUSD says it's not subject to state's 'parent trigger' law this yearControversial state law permitting parents to petition for sweeping changes in failing schools cannot be used this year in Los Angeles Unified, district officials decided.I am livid about this. I believe it violates the spirit and intent of parent e
8-15-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Are teachers unions really the scourge of the nation?Are teachers unions really the scourge of the nation? You might think so if you listen to some reformers who link union-negotiated job protections for teachers to poor academic performance of students in high-poverty schools. But does the data actually support that contention? Bruce D. Baker, a professor of education and leadership
Despite gains, most Charter Schools still rank in bottom quarter in grade rankings - Pittsburgh Business Times
Despite gains, most Charter Schools still rank in bottom quarter in grade rankings - Pittsburgh Business Times: Despite gains, most Charter Schools still rank in bottom quarter in grade rankingsView PhotosCharter school ranks for 11th gradeEthan LottResearch Director-Pittsburgh Business TimesEmail | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedInMost of the charter schools operating in the region that are list
Kevin Johnson still using mayor’s office as political fundraising ATM -Sacramento News & Review
Sacramento News & Review - Kevin Johnson still using mayor’s office as political fundraising ATM - Editorial - Opinions - August 14, 2014: Kevin Johnson still using mayor’s office as political fundraising ATMOnce again, Mayor Kevin Johnson appears to be selling Peter to buy Paul. As reported in a recent Bites column in this paper, the mayor—whose hard work on behalf of the NBA would make most
Morning Wink 8-15-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-15-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: North Carolina: How Teachers Can Give Themselves a RaiseCivitas is a libertarian, anti-union organization in North Carolina. It is funded by Art Pope, who may be the most powerful powerbroker in
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-15-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: North Carolina: How Teachers Can Give Themselves a RaiseCivitas is a libertarian, anti-union organization in North Carolina. It is funded by Art Pope, who may be the most powerful powerbroker in the state. Civitas recently put up billboards saying “Teachers: Want a $450 Raise?” If teachers go to the Civitas website, they will learn
8-15-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice Guy
Wait What?: Wait What? Pelto/Murphy 2014 Giving voters more choices…should be as American as the Fourth of July – Ralph NaderFirst there was the “social justice” lobbyist who wrote a piece in the Hartford Courant instructing people not to sign a Pelto/Murphy 2014 ballot petition because it might hurt Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s re-election chances. More recently, a Journal Inquirer editorial en
8-15-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Newsday Declares Down, Up, as Common Core CurdlesLast year's god-awful results on Common Core tests in New York set off a statewide resistance movement among advantaged and the disadvantaged parents to dump the Gates and Pearson CorpEd plan into the Long Island Sound. This second year, when most new testing regimes usually see big gains, state language arts scores actually went dow
8-15-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: August’s (2014) Best Tweets — Part TwoEvery month I make a few short lists highlighting my choices of the best resources I through (and learned from) Twitter, but didn’t necessarily include them in posts here on my blog. I’ve already shared in earlier posts several new resources I found on Twitter — and where I gave credit
8-15-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Julie Cavanagh on Common Core in Daily News, Major Contrast to MulgrewJulie Cavanagh won't punch you in the face if you support common core as she makes a clear and concise statement in her article in the DN that is way more powerful than what we hear coming out of our union leaders.As Mulgrew's opponent in 2013 election she is quite a contrast to Mulgrew as she makes similar poin
8-15-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": Video: Teachers Visiting Parents’ Homes In North CarolinaWECT TV6-WECT.com:News, weather If the embed code is not working, you can go to the news site directly to see the video.by Larry Ferlazzo / 4h “How to develop a strong parent/teacher relationship”How to develop a strong parent/teacher relationship is an article in a N
8-15-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Wal-Mart, Don't Discount the Power of Teachers | MomsRising's Blog@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;by Rene Diedrich / 2h 8-13-14 Hemlock on the RocksHemlock on the Rocks: Eli Broad on Education,
8-15-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: De Blasio, Farina Full of Shit On Test ScoresThe lede of this Eliza Shapiro piece at Capital NY:Mayor Bill de Blasio and schools chancellor Carmen Fariña on Thursday praised the slight improvement in citywide test scores while reiterating their shared ambivalence toward testing in general. At a press conference at the Brooklyn Brownstone School to announce the scores, de Bla
Retired Youngstown Professor Launches Website to Expose Horrors of Ohio School “Reform” | janresseger
Retired Youngstown Professor Launches Website to Expose Horrors of Ohio School “Reform” | janresseger: Retired Youngstown Professor Launches Website to Expose Horrors of Ohio School “Reform”Posted on August 15, 2014 by janressegerThis blog will take a three-week, late summer break after today. Look for a new post on Monday, September 8. Enjoy the rest of your summer!—-Randy Hoover is a recently
As Long As You’re Filling Out School Forms – How About One For Opting Out? | Missouri Education Watchdog
As Long As You’re Filling Out School Forms – How About One For Opting Out? | Missouri Education Watchdog: As Long As You’re Filling Out School Forms – How About One For Opting Out?inShareHB1490 is a first step towards reclaiming local control of education. Unfortunately it did not do away with standardized testing so districts will be giving the SBAC tests next spring (2015). They will be referred
8/15/2014 – Character Change In The ‘Education Reform’ Soap Opera
8/15/2014 – Character Change In The ‘Education Reform’ Soap Opera: 8/15/2014 – Character Change In The ‘Education Reform’ Soap OperaAugust 15, 2014 SubscribeTHIS WEEK: Teachers Not Prepared For Common Core … Test Resistance Grows … Ed-Tech Teaching Machines … Charter School Corruption … College Debt’s Long-Term DamagesTOP STORYCharacter Change In The ‘Education Reform’ Soap OperaBy Jeff Bryant“Wit
Full House at West Philly Town Meeting on Local Control of Schools | WeArePCAPS
Full House at West Philly Town Meeting on Local Control of Schools | WeArePCAPS: Full House at West Philly Town Meeting on Local Control of SchoolsPosted on August 15, 2014by wearepcapsPanel discusses why returning control of our schools to the people of Philadelphia is neededOver a hundred people gathered last night at Monumental Baptist Church to press for ending the 13 year old failed experimen
A call for national online teacher credential :: SI&A Cabinet Report
A call for national online teacher credential :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: AUGUST 15, 2014A call for national online teacher credentialby Tom Chorneau(Colo.) The principal of one of the nation’s largest and oldest online learning academies recently visited a Pennsylvania district that needed advanced placement instruction for about 100 s
And now for something completely different | InterACT
And now for something completely different | InterACT: And now for something completely differentAUGUST 15, 2014by David B. CohenBack to school time (photo by the author)I went to the annual opening-of-school event for my district again this year – my 13th time. It’s a small enough district that we can bring together all 1,600 staff members to celebrate the start of a new year, hear from some of o
Shanker Blog » The Semantics of Test Scores
Shanker Blog » The Semantics of Test Scores: The Semantics Of Test ScoresPosted by Jennifer Borgioli on August 15, 2014Our guest author today is Jennifer Borgioli, a Senior Consultant with Learner-Centered Initiatives, Ltd., where she supports schools with designing performance based assessments, data analysis, and curriculum design.The chart below was taken from the 2014 report on student perform
NYC Educator: The Day 127 Tests Up and Walked Away
NYC Educator: The Day 127 Tests Up and Walked Away: The Day 127 Tests Up and Walked AwayLast June, my eyes popped wide and I snapped this picture outside my Regents' grading site. Students' regents exams were sitting exposed to all in an open vehicle. It struck me as odd and unsafe at the time. I didn't think and I still don't think that anyone would steal exams. It would have to be one desper
solidaridad: AALA: George McKenna, AALA-Supported Board Candidate, Wins Election!
solidaridad: AALA: George McKenna, AALA-Supported Board Candidate, Wins Election!: AALA: George McKenna, AALA-Supported Board Candidate, Wins Election!Reprinted from AALA Update on August 18, 2014AALA extends congratulations to Dr. George McKenna on his election to become the Board of Education Member representing District 1. Dr. McKenna is filling the seat that has been vacant since the death of
Adults, Please Get Out The Way [How Students Do It] - The Jose Vilson
Adults, Please Get Out The Way [How Students Do It] - The Jose Vilson: Adults, Please Get Out The Way [How Students Do It]This morning, I imagined Marvin Gaye would have a few things to say about what’s going on today:Today was supposed to be Michael Brown’s fourth day in college, getting acclimated with the ins and outs of college life, surely different than the humdrum K-12 bells. Sadly, he neve
California state auditor probing LA's Magnolia charter schools | 89.3 KPCC
California state auditor probing LA's Magnolia charter schools | 89.3 KPCC: California state auditor probing LA's Magnolia charter schools The California State Auditor is investigating Magnolia Public Schools, a Southern California-based charter network that has been accused by L.A. Unified of misusing funds."Magnolia Science academies, like all other charter schools in the state, are public
Dan Chang’s dark money SuperPAC now switches to funding Marshall Tuck
Dan Chang’s dark money SuperPAC now switches to funding Marshall Tuck: Dan Chang’s dark money SuperPAC now switches to funding Marshall TuckAUGUST 15, 2014 BY ROBERT D. SKEELS * RDSATHENE LEAVE A COMMENT“We have our cake, and are eating it too.” — Eli BroadDan Chang’s SuperPAC, formed to support erstwhile LAUSD candidate Alex “ALEC” Johnson, is now funding a new astroturf group to get his fellow B
A vivid symbol of all that is wrong with state government: Hint – It’s not about the teachers | Reclaim Reform
A vivid symbol of all that is wrong with state government: Hint – It’s not about the teachers | Reclaim Reform: A vivid symbol of all that is wrong with state government: Hint – It’s not about the teachersPosted on August 14, 2014by Ken PrevitiThe following is a letter from a dear friend who chooses to remain anonymous. She tells about the State of Illinois Building as a symbol of its government t
Survival Guide to Teaching Alternative School, Part I — The First Days | Life at the Intersections
Survival Guide to Teaching Alternative School, Part I — The First Days | Life at the Intersections: SURVIVAL GUIDE TO TEACHING ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL, PART I — THE FIRST DAYSAUGUST 14, 2014 BRETT DICKERSONOut of the 16 years that I spent teaching in public schools, 6 were spent teaching in alternative schools. I know some stuff that might help.This is my good news for you about teaching in alternative
Bill Gates’ Market-Driven Experiments Are Not Ready for Prime-Time Public Ed | Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates
Bill Gates’ Market-Driven Experiments Are Not Ready for Prime-Time Public Ed | Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates: Bill Gates’ Market-Driven Experiments Are Not Ready for Prime-Time Public EdPosted on August 14, 2014by Teachers'LettersToBillGatesDear Mr. Gates,Your Foundation contributions always seem to make for interesting prime time news. The real story about what is actually happening on the grou
Nite Cap 8-14-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPNYC Public School Parents: Parents and Educators Reject the Tests, the Scores and Corporate Agenda of NYSED & PearsonNYC Public School Parents: Parents and Educators Reject the Tests, the Scores and Corporate Agenda of NYSED & Pearson: Pa