Newsday Declares Down, Up, as Common Core Curdles
Last year's god-awful results on Common Core tests in New York set off a statewide resistance movement among advantaged and the disadvantaged parents to dump the Gates and Pearson CorpEd plan into the Long Island Sound. This second year, when most new testing regimes usually see big gains, state language arts scores actually went down, while math scores edged up. Newsday headline? "Common C
8-14-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: What Does Ferguson, MO Have to Do With 9-11?Last night I watched the police in Ferguson, MO as they rolled out their armored vehicles with machine guns on top to confront peaceful protestors and the media. Even though no curfew had been declared by the mayor or any of the other political cowards in the state, the police, bristling with armor bought with unlimited Homeland Security