Kids' latest aerosol of choice:
"The popularity of the personal computer is having an odd and dangerous side-effect.
'Huffing,' using inhalants to get high, has been known to health practitioners and police for decades, but an article in the current issue of Medtox Journal, published by a drug-testing company, reports that a relatively new form of inhalant abuse called 'dusting' is becoming widespread. It's the practice of inhaling products made to dust off your computer screen, products easily available in office supply and department stores."
The effects of "dusting" are similar in some ways to alcohol intoxication, but the high occurs quickly and wears off within minutes. "Dusters" might spray up to 10 times an hour, inhaling through the thin plastic straw provided with the can. Repeated inhalations can damage the lungs, brain, liver, heart and kidneys. Irreversible hearing loss and brain damage may occur.
High levels of inhalants can cause death by suffocation or heart failure. Children have been found dead with a plastic tube dangling from their lips, victims of "sudden sniffing death," which is possible even after a single session of "dusting."
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/11/08/EDMH1AAQNT.DTL#ixzz0WN004uSU
"The popularity of the personal computer is having an odd and dangerous side-effect.
'Huffing,' using inhalants to get high, has been known to health practitioners and police for decades, but an article in the current issue of Medtox Journal, published by a drug-testing company, reports that a relatively new form of inhalant abuse called 'dusting' is becoming widespread. It's the practice of inhaling products made to dust off your computer screen, products easily available in office supply and department stores."
The effects of "dusting" are similar in some ways to alcohol intoxication, but the high occurs quickly and wears off within minutes. "Dusters" might spray up to 10 times an hour, inhaling through the thin plastic straw provided with the can. Repeated inhalations can damage the lungs, brain, liver, heart and kidneys. Irreversible hearing loss and brain damage may occur.
High levels of inhalants can cause death by suffocation or heart failure. Children have been found dead with a plastic tube dangling from their lips, victims of "sudden sniffing death," which is possible even after a single session of "dusting."
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/11/08/EDMH1AAQNT.DTL#ixzz0WN004uSU