Gay marriage foes win with message about schools :: EDGE Boston:
"In Maine and California, voters were besieged with ad images of what would supposedly happen if same-sex marriage were legal: students going on a field trip to a lesbian wedding, elementary school kids reading books featuring gay couples, kindergartners learning about homosexuality from their teachers - all without any say from parents.
Critics assailed the messages as blatantly misleading fear-mongering.
'It’s drawing on the fears of the unknown,' said Sandy Maisel, director of the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement at Maine’s Colby College. 'There’s no evidence that it’s going to happen, but there’s very clear evidence that it’s an effective campaign tactic.'
Gay marriage opponents discovered the effectiveness in last year’s successful effort to pass Proposition 8 to outlaw gay marriage in California."
"In Maine and California, voters were besieged with ad images of what would supposedly happen if same-sex marriage were legal: students going on a field trip to a lesbian wedding, elementary school kids reading books featuring gay couples, kindergartners learning about homosexuality from their teachers - all without any say from parents.
Critics assailed the messages as blatantly misleading fear-mongering.
'It’s drawing on the fears of the unknown,' said Sandy Maisel, director of the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement at Maine’s Colby College. 'There’s no evidence that it’s going to happen, but there’s very clear evidence that it’s an effective campaign tactic.'
Gay marriage opponents discovered the effectiveness in last year’s successful effort to pass Proposition 8 to outlaw gay marriage in California."