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Friday, May 7, 2021

Teacher Tom: If Our Goal is to Help Our Fellow Humans Rather Than Merely Control Them

Teacher Tom: If Our Goal is to Help Our Fellow Humans Rather Than Merely Control Them
If Our Goal is to Help Our Fellow Humans Rather Than Merely Control Them

Yesterday, I arrived home from walking the dog, to find police cars, fire trucks, and an ambulance filling the city block just below my apartment window. Last weekend, the seven square blocks just north of the building were completely shut down for an entire morning due to a gas leak and I wondered if it had something to do with that. In recent years, I've taken it on as a civic duty to get nosy about anything involving police activity, so instead of just staying out of the way, I got out my phone and got it ready to record. As I waited to cross Westlake Avenue, a young man excitedly told me that there was someone on the roof of my building, eleven stories up, threatening to "start a fire and jump." 

My first thought is to wonder if it was was someone from the building I know. One would need to gain access to the building and then use an elevator code to get up there, so it was likely that it was one of the 300 or so people who live in the building. 

I did what we all do, I think, when we consider suicide. I recognized how small my problems were compared to what this person was going through, I despaired about the tragedy of mental illness, I wondered if there was something I should be doing to help. I finally decided that the best thing I could CONTINUE READING: Teacher Tom: If Our Goal is to Help Our Fellow Humans Rather Than Merely Control Them