yong zhao » Are American Students Over-tested: Schleicher vs. Schleicher
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Are American Students Over-tested: Schleicher vs. Schleicher: Are American Students Over-tested: Schleicher vs. SchleicherJust as the U.S. is about to move away from over testing its students, PISA’s Andreas Schleicher says American students are not really over-tested: “The U.S. is not a country of heavy testing,” said Schleicher in acolumn pu
2016 U.S. Senate Youth Program - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education)
2016 U.S. Senate Youth Program - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces California Delegates to the 2016 U.S. Senate Youth ProgramSACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today named two outstanding high school students to represent California in the 54th annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP), sponsored by the William Ra
Will Every Student Succeed? Not With This New Law | Alan Singer
Will Every Student Succeed? Not With This New Law | Alan Singer: Will Every Student Succeed? Not With This New LawLast week the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to jettison penalties for schools, districted and states mandated by the Bush era No Child Left Behind law. NCLB was signed into law by George Bush in 2002 and was supposedly designed to expose and solve "achievement gaps
At School And At Home, How Much Does The Internet Know About Kids? : All Tech Considered : NPR
At School And At Home, How Much Does The Internet Know About Kids? : All Tech Considered : NPR: At School And At Home, How Much Does The Internet Know About Kids?Children's personal information isn't supposed to be an online commodity. But whether kids are using Google apps at school or Internet-connected toys at home, they're generating a stream of data about themselves. And some advocates say th
MORE ON SFER – Corporate Money in the 2015 Denver Board of Education Election - Wait What?
MORE ON SFER – Corporate Money in the 2015 Denver Board of Education Election - Wait What?: MORE ON SFER – Corporate Money in the 2015 Denver Board of Education ElectionLast week’s Wait, What? post entitled, “SFER – The $7 million+ “student run” Corporate Education Reform Industry Front Group,” provided an update on how the charter school and broader education reform industry is using a variety of
Charter applications could provide insight on LAUSD board sentiments - LA School Report
Charter applications could provide insight on LAUSD board sentiments - LA School Report: Charter applications could provide insight on LAUSD board sentimentsApplications for seven new charter schools will come before the LA Unified school board at itsmeeting tomorrow,the biggest wave of requests since the Broad Foundation proposed a plan to expand the number of charter schools in LAUSD.In addition
Schoolyard Farms to launch 2nd school-based farm at Milwaukie-area high school | OregonLive.com
Schoolyard Farms to launch 2nd school-based farm at Milwaukie-area high school | OregonLive.com: Schoolyard Farms to launch 2nd school-based farm at Milwaukie-area high schoolOregon non-profit Schoolyard Farms plans to launch its second school-based farm this spring. Schoolyard Farms aims to teach students how to grow nutritious food and eat healthy through farms created on school campuses. Schoo
CURMUDGUCATION: MA: Vulture Convocation
CURMUDGUCATION: MA: Vulture Convocation: MA: Vulture ConvocationEven as I type this, up in Boston there's a day-long gathering going on that is emblematic of all the wrong things driving ed reform.It's a conference entitled "Leveraging Research and Policy to Improve K-12 Education in Massachusetts" and it was organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the MIT School Effectivenes
The successor to No Child Left Behind has, it turns out, big problems of its own - The Washington Post
The successor to No Child Left Behind has, it turns out, big problems of its own - The Washington Post:The successor to No Child Left Behind has, it turns out, big problems of its ownU.S. lawmakers always have reasons for what they do, so there must be one for why they didn’t make public the 1,059-page rewrite of the 2002 No Child Left Behind until a few days before Congress began voting on the co
Detroit teachers take battle to new level
Detroit teachers take battle to new level: Detroit teachers take battle to new levelThe American Federation of Teachers could join the Detroit Federation of Teachers in a trusteeship to shore up the local union’s fight against Gov. Rick Snyder’s school reform proposal and other issues facing the district.The AFT is calling the move to a trusteeship a “voluntary administratorship,” and it is alread
Charter school teacher hit with multiple corruption charges for leading Allentown student walkout
Charter school teacher hit with multiple corruption charges for leading Allentown student walkout: Charter school teacher hit with multiple corruption charges for leading Allentown student walkoutALLENTOWN — The charter school teacher who encouraged hundreds of students to walk out of Allentown School District schools, claiming the district is failing minority students, has been charged with corru
$17 million SBAC testing money should be used to prevent the terrible cuts to programs that actually help children. (Guest Post by CT Educator James Mulholland) - Wait What?
$17 million SBAC testing money should be used to prevent the terrible cuts to programs that actually help children. (Guest Post by CT Educator James Mulholland) - Wait What?: $17 million SBAC testing money should be used to prevent the terrible cuts to programs that actually help children. (Guest Post by CT Educator James Mulholland)A moratorium on the state’s standardized testing frenzy would p
Action Needed: ESSA Vote Expected in Senate on Tuesday | Truth in American Education
Action Needed: ESSA Vote Expected in Senate on Tuesday | Truth in American Education: Action Needed: ESSA Vote Expected in Senate on TuesdayThe U.S. Senate is expected to vote on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, on Tuesday.There are several ways that you can take action.You can tweet your Senators, click here to join a Twitte
Control Experiment | EduShyster
Control Experiment | EduShyster: Control ExperimentWhat is it that urban charter schools actually do?Reader: if you happened to read this recent New York Times piece on urban charter success, you know that the upshot is that Boston charters are *crushing* the achievement gap and sending loads of kids to college. Close reader that I am, though, I couldn’t help but notice that something was missing.
CURMUDGUCATION: MI: Reformster District Meltdown
CURMUDGUCATION: MI: Reformster District Meltdown: MI: Reformster District MeltdownMichigan is one of several states to attempt an "achievement" school district, a special collection of the very bottom schools, run by the state. It was set up in 2011 by Governor Rick Snyder, but its continued existence is now in doubt.None of the Achievement school districts have been successful (and &quo
Ohio Researcher Proves–Yet Again–That Test Scores Measure Primarily Family Income | janresseger
Ohio Researcher Proves–Yet Again–That Test Scores Measure Primarily Family Income | janresseger: Ohio Researcher Proves–Yet Again–That Test Scores Measure Primarily Family IncomeLike the rest the country, Ohio is trapped in a test-and-punish education accountability system that castigates public schools when students’ test scores are persistently low. It is a system that punishes already vulnerabl
Investigating Why So Many Black Preschoolers Get Suspended and Expelled - The Atlantic
Investigating Why So Many Black Preschoolers Get Suspended and Expelled - The Atlantic: Why Are So Many Preschoolers Getting Suspended?The frequency of punishment has a troubling racial skew.Tunette Powell travels across the country counseling families and mentoring youth. An award-winning motivational speaker and author, her professional work in the education field ranges from training nonprofit
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLESYesterday's protest: On State Street, that great street...Rahm Emanuel"I own the problem of police brutality, and I'll fix it." -- Chicago TribuneBGA Pres. Andy ShawIt’s been quite a firestorm, and it’s scorching Emanuel and Alvarez. But it’s unconscionable that so few others been held accountable, and so little has chang
Failing Students and the “At Risk” Label (Part 2) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Failing Students and the “At Risk” Label (Part 2) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Failing Students and the “At Risk” Label (Part 2)“I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasn’t poor, I was needy. Then they told me it was self-defeating to think of myself as needy. I was deprived. (Oh not deprived but rather underprivileged.) Then they told me that underprivileged w
Picture Post Week: Follow up on who’s running America’s charter schools | School Finance 101
Picture Post Week: Follow up on who’s running America’s charter schools | School Finance 101: Picture Post Week: Follow up on who’s running America’s charter schoolsThis post is a follow up on my previous post where I discussed which charter school operators are actually leading the nation in charter school enrollments. Here are a some slides breaking out the charter school enrollments by operator
#Coops Build Stronger Communities, New Economy, And Better World | PopularResistance.Org
Co-Ops Build Stronger Communities, New Economy, And Better World | PopularResistance.Org: Co-Ops Build Stronger Communities, A New Economy, And Better WorldAbove Photo: From PopularResistance.org.Cooperatives are businesses and organizations democratically owned and managed by the people they serve. They come in many shapes and sizes: from a handful of people to thousands upon thousands of members
AFT contest winner Greg Cruey asks Hillary Clinton about community schools
AFT contest winner Greg Cruey asks Hillary Clinton about community schoolsAFT member Greg Cruey of McDowell County, W.V. submitted his question for Hillary Clinton on community schools through the AFT eActivist network contest and was selected to join 25 AFT members for a conversation with Hillary Clinton. Greg’s question for Hillary Clinton and her answer are featured here.
Teachers Say They Have Less Autonomy, Fed. Data Show - Teacher Beat - Education Week
Teachers Say They Have Less Autonomy, Fed. Data Show - Teacher Beat - Education Week: Teachers Say They Have Less Autonomy, Fed. Data ShowBy guest blogger Sarah SparksTeachers can still close the classroom door, but after more than a decade of federal and state accountability systems, teachers feel they have less independence in what they do inside, federal data show. In everything from instructio
How A School's Attendance Number Hides Big Problems : NPR Ed : NPR
How A School's Attendance Number Hides Big Problems : NPR Ed : NPR: How A School's Attendance Number Hides Big ProblemsEvery morning, the familiar routine plays out in hundreds of thousands of classrooms: A teacher looks out over the desks, taking note of who's in their seats and who isn't.On any given day, maybe there are one or two empty chairs. One here, one there. And that all goes into the sc
When it comes to education, Finland is not as perfect as we think it is - Quartz
When it comes to education, Finland is not as perfect as we think it is - Quartz: When it comes to education, Finland is not as perfect as we think it isGirls score higher than boys on reading tests at every grade and every age in pretty much every country. This has been the case for a very long time.But the largest gender gap in reading ability in the world can be found in Finland, a country whos
Course Correction for School Testing - The New York Times
Course Correction for School Testing - The New York Times: Course Correction for School TestingCongress missed a crucial opportunity eight years ago when it failed to reauthorize the deeply unpopular No Child Left Behind Act of 2002, which required the states to administer yearly tests to public schoolchildren in the early grades and to improve instruction for underprivileged students in return fo
Charter schools in state may join small district near Spokane | The Seattle Times
Charter schools in state may join small district near Spokane | The Seattle Times: Charter schools in state may join small district near SpokaneSuch an arrangement would keep them open as public schools despite a state Supreme Court ruling declaring their funding source unconstitutional.Charter schools in Washington may join the Mary Walker School District near Springdale, Stevens County, in the f
Could this be the new odd couple of Newark school reform? | Editorial | NJ.com
Could this be the new odd couple of Newark school reform? | Editorial | NJ.com:Could this be the new odd couple of Newark school reform? | EditorialChristopher Cerf (far left), the new superintendent of Newark schools, is teaming up with Mayor Ras Baraka on an education project. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)There's a new reform project underway in Newark schools, with an unlikely partnership behind it: The
Garfield’s Black Student Union responds to rumored white supremacists march in Seattle | Seattle Education
Garfield’s Black Student Union responds to rumored white supremacists march in Seattle | Seattle Education: Garfield’s Black Student Union responds to rumored white supremacists march in SeattleFueled by statements of hatred and bigotry spewed by Donald Trump and others, some folks who think they’re better than anyone else, have decided to come out of the closet with their ignorance and stupidity.
L.A. school board holds its first interview for job of superintendent - LA Times
L.A. school board holds its first interview for job of superintendent - LA Times: L.A. school board holds unusual Sunday meeting to interview superintendent candidatesL.A. schools Supt. Ramon C. Cortines, left, confers with school board president Steve Zimmer at district headquarters. The board on Sunday interviewed one or more candidates to replace Cortines, who wants to retire at the end of the
Liars in the HOUSE - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice
Liars in the HOUSE - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: Liars in the HOUSEWhat do you know about the Every Student Succeeds Act (S.1177) set to replace No Child Left Behind? One thing you probably won’t be surprised to hear is that the lawmaking process was corrupted.But this time it is more than a bit unsettling. Few people know how openly the liars in the House — OUR HOUSE —are not being questi
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 12/6/15
CORPORATE ED REFORM Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part III | deutsch29Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part III | deutsch29: Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part III Ann Marie CorgillOn October 30, 2015, the 2014-15 Alabama Teacher of the Year, Ann Marie Corgill, abruptly resigned from teaching at Birmingham City Schools after a taxing