MORE ON SFER – Corporate Money in the 2015 Denver Board of Education Election

Last week’s Wait, What? post entitled, “SFER – The $7 million+ “student run” Corporate Education Reform Industry Front Group,” provided an update on how the charter school and broader education reform industry is using a variety of advocacy groups to back their effort to privatize public education and undermine the teaching profession.
The post generated some complaints about the article’s accuracy from SFER, but not a single person was able or willing to point to anything that wasn’t factually correct.
In addition to background about SFER, using information from the Minnesota Post, the Wait, What? post included a review of how the conglomerate of entities (e.g. SFER, SFER Action Network, DFER, Education Reform Now, Education Reform Advocacy, 50CAN, MNCAN and its leaders) funneled campaign donations into Minnesota to support pro-education reform candidates running for the Minneapolis Board of Education.
The “student-led” SFER and many of the same education reform elite were deeply involved in trying to impact the political outcome in Colorado, as well.
Colorado 2014-2015
When parents, teachers and public school advocates in Denver, Colorado decided to challenge the City’s Pro-Education Reform School Board in this year’s city election, the corporate-funded “education reformers” kicked into high gear.
Helping to lead the campaign effort was none other than Students for Education Reform (SFER), the corporate-funded pro-charter school, pro-Common Core, pro-Common Core testing and anti-teacher “education reform” advocacy group.
On June 19, 2015, SFER staff set up a new political action committee aptly named “STUDENTS FOR EDUCATION REFORM (SFER) ACTION COMMITTEE.”
According to the registration documents filed with the Colorado Secretary of State’s MORE ON SFER – Corporate Money in the 2015 Denver Board of Education Election - Wait What?: