Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part III | deutsch29
Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part III | deutsch29: Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part III Ann Marie CorgillOn October 30, 2015, the 2014-15 Alabama Teacher of the Year, Ann Marie Corgill, abruptly resigned from teaching at Birmingham City Schools after a taxing ordeal in the first two months of the 2015-16 school year.I had the privilege of interviewin
Schools Matter: The Racist Origins of Standardized Testing
Schools Matter: The Racist Origins of Standardized Testing: The Racist Origins of Standardized TestingExcerpt from Part 1 of The Mismeasure of Education:Zealots for the Elimination of WasteThe educational significance of the results to be obtained from careful measurements of the intelligence of children can hardly be overestimated. Questions relating to the choice of studies, vocational guidance,
CURMUDGUCATION: Common Core and Liver Pizza
CURMUDGUCATION: Common Core and Liver Pizza: Common Core and Liver PizzaIt must be time to talk about the Core again, because I've received a couple of "What's the big deal? The core doesn't bother me at all!" notes lately. And I continue to believe that the situation regarding Common Core has changed, and I think we are all perfectly positioned to deal with the Core (or whatever the cra
CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Sunday Evening Edu-reads
CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Sunday Evening Edu-reads: ICYMI: Sunday Evening Edu-readsLet's all gather our energy before the week gets started, because by next Sunday, we could have a new body of education law. Go Ahead: Pass Every Student Succeeds Act, But Don 't Celebrate It Jeff Bryant had my favorite ESSA piece of the week. You probably read it, but you know, just ICYMI.SFER- Johnathan Pelto took a
CURMUDGUCATION: Why wait?: Why wait?It's probably the best question I've seen someone ask in weeks, and it will be my little energizer for the months ahead.Why wait?Bill Ferriter may not realize it, but he pointed me at this post by Chase Mielke and this sentence within it:If an end goal of education is to create skilled, altruistic citizens, why wait until after a student's post-secondary trainin
On Personalized Learning, Mark Zuckerberg, and Makin’ it Rain | Save Maine Schools
On Personalized Learning, Mark Zuckerberg, and Makin’ it Rain | Save Maine Schools: On Personalized Learning, Mark Zuckerberg, and Makin’ it Rainntly, I have written two letters to my former classmate, Mark Zuckerberg, to warn him of the dangers of his educational investment plans. Both letters were as polite and friendly as I could muster – especially given the circumstances – and I took care not
CURMUDGUCATION: ESSA: What Is a Teacher: ESSA: What Is a TeacherWe knew that a theme of the week would be teasing out the ugliest parts of the ESEA rewrite. Farewell, "No Child Left Behind." Hello, "Every Student Should Succeed in Serving Corporate Interests."One element that has become evident is the ways in which ESSA works to gut the entire process of creating teachers, and
Art Helps Students Become Whole - Living in Dialogue
Art Helps Students Become Whole - Living in Dialogue: Art Helps Students Become WholeThis is the fourth in a series of blog posts focused on the value of art in our lives, and the role art can play in resisting the test and punish model of education. See the intro and links to other posts in the series here.By Amanda Koonlaba.I believe arts education is the antithesis of the corporate reform and
Schools Matter: Hoosier School Heist Author Doug Martin on Real Accountability (and Federal Prison)
Schools Matter: Hoosier School Heist Author Doug Martin on Real Accountability (and Federal Prison): Hoosier School Heist Author Doug Martin on Real Accountability (and Federal Prison)Hoosier School Heist TV is Doug Martin's channel featuring videos of his book tour across Indiana speaking on the corporate takeover of public education. Order Hoosier School Heist at http://hoosierschoolheist.com/.F
Video: Seattle teachers talk about the Seattle Education Association strike at the NWTSJ conference | Seattle Education
Video: Seattle teachers talk about the Seattle Education Association strike at the NWTSJ conference | Seattle Education: Video: Seattle teachers talk about the Seattle Education Association strike at the NWTSJ conferenceFor the first time in 30 years, Seattle educators went on strike for the schools Seattle students deserve and for the working conditions and compensation the teachers deserve. Afte
Tell our United States Senators to vote no on the Common Core Testing Mania - Wait What?
Tell our United States Senators to vote no on the Common Core Testing Mania - Wait What?: Tell our United States Senators to vote no on the Common Core Testing ManiaUnited States Senators need to stand up and protect our students and teachers!From Connecticut educator and fellow education blogger Poetic Justice comes the following post,Please Sign This United Opt Out petition to stop the Senate fr
Diane E. Levin and Nancy Carlsson-Paige: Setting the record straight on early literacy instruction - The Washington Post
Setting the record straight on early literacy instruction - The Washington Post: Setting the record straight on early literacy instructionEarlier this year, the nonprofit organization Defending the Early Yearspublished a report saying that research does not support the Common Core requirement that all children must read with purpose and understanding by the end of kindergarten. The report was call
Breaking News: Santa Claus Supports Opt-Out!!! | Exceptional Delaware
Breaking News: Santa Claus Supports Opt-Out!!! | Exceptional Delaware: Breaking News: Santa Claus Supports Opt-Out!!!Santa Claus was getting pictures at the Dover Mall with young children. He always asks the kids what they want for Christmas. He acknowledged hearing very strange requests over the years. But he reported to me recently about a very unusual request he got on Black Friday. A littl
Marie Corfield: Is the NJDOE protecting Gov. Christie's POTUS run?
Marie Corfield: Is the NJDOE protecting Gov. Christie's POTUS run?: Is the NJDOE protecting Gov. Christie's POTUS run?As those of us in NJ know, Gov. Christie will do anything and everything to side with the prevailing right-wing opinion-of-the-day. So, with his poll numbers in the toilet—not only for his job as governor, but for his POTUS run—is he pulling out all the stops to ensure he protects
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Whitenizing Chicago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Whitenizing Chicago: Whitenizing ChicagoThe out-migration of African-Americans from the largest U.S. cities continues unabated, changing the face of urban politics, culture and education.Greg Hinz at Crain's reports that the Chicago area is on track to become mostly people of color by 2020, a historic shift with major cultural, economic and political impact. But in C
Doubling Down (Again) by Reverting, Not Changing: The Exponential Failures of Education Legislation | the becoming radical
Doubling Down (Again) by Reverting, Not Changing: The Exponential Failures of Education Legislation | the becoming radical: Doubling Down (Again) by Reverting, Not Changing: The Exponential Failures of Education LegislationPolitical grandstanding about education and proposed as well as adopted education legislation make me feel trapped in something between a George Orwell dystopian novel(“WAR IS P
Community-Based Reform and Accountability Measures for States and Communities | Cloaking Inequity
Community-Based Reform and Accountability Measures for States and Communities | Cloaking Inequity: Community-Based Reform and Accountability Measures for States and CommunitiesThe impending death of No Child Left Behind has the potential to create more space for community-based reform. As federal standardized tests have fallen out of favor, many states have explored alternative community-based mea
Google Spying on 40 Million K-12 Students, Privacy Advocates Call for Federal Sanctions | Alternet
Google Spying on 40 Million K-12 Students, Privacy Advocates Call for Federal Sanctions | Alternet: Google Spying on 40 Million K-12 Students, Privacy Advocates Call for Federal SanctionsThe Electronic Frontier Foundation calls for federal sanctions.Unlike its website declaration, Google’s “Apps for Education” isn’t a tool that “schools can trust,” because it is spying on 40 million K-12 students
Flea Flicker: Should state be able to approve charter schools in Virginia? - Daily Press
Should state be able to approve charter schools in Virginia? - Daily Press: Should state be able to approve charter schools in Virginia?The Charter School Approval Flea Flicker Should Virginia amend its constitution to allow the state — not just local school boards — the authority to establish charter schools?That question could be before voters in a November 2016 referendum.The issue has the pote
NCLB, ESSA, and “Highly Qualified” | deutsch29
NCLB, ESSA, and “Highly Qualified” | deutsch29: NCLB, ESSA, and “Highly Qualified”In this post, I compare language regarding teacher certification in two documents, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and what very likely will be the next Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) reauthorization, the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).I was particularly curious about the
Close Reading: Myopia as a Virtue | gadflyonthewallblog
Close Reading: Myopia as a Virtue | gadflyonthewallblog: Close Reading: Myopia as a VirtueYou are reading a text.Yes. Right now.Your eyes are scanning over symbols called letters. They are joined together into words and sentences and paragraphs to make up the total of this article.Your brain is in the process of translating these symbols into sounds, meanings, concepts. And you are reacting to tho
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 12/5/15
CORPORATE ED REFORM Audit finds closed Kansas City charter was overpaid $4.3M | KSL.comAudit finds closed Kansas City charter was overpaid $4.3M | KSL.com: Audit finds closed Kansas City charter was overpaid $4.3MKANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A Kansas City charter school was overpaid at least $4.3 million in the two years before it closed because administrators falsified and inflated student attendance,