Breaking News: Santa Claus Supports Opt-Out!!!

Santa Claus was getting pictures at the Dover Mall with young children. He always asks the kids what they want for Christmas. He acknowledged hearing very strange requests over the years. But he reported to me recently about a very unusual request he got on Black Friday. A little boy who was 8 years old told Santa he only wanted one thing for Christmas. He wanted his mother to opt him out of the Smarter Balanced Assessment.
Santa had never heard of such an odd thing before, so he asked the boy what it was. “I’m in 3rd grade Santa, and all they talk about is some test we have to take next Spring. All my teachers talk about it. And we have to take something called an intrum test after we come back from Christmas break. Every day teachers say ‘this could be on the test. Make sure you know it.’ I’m getting tired of it Santa. Nobody cares about my actual grades, and I’m a smart kid Santa.”
Santa asked the boy what “opting out” means? The boy said some parents actually told the school they didn’t want their kid taking the Smarter Balanced test. The school gave them a rough time, but the parents fought back. “If they can do it, can you make sure my mom does it too?” Santa pondered this for a moment. “I think,” Santa said, “That would be up to your Mom.” “Good, she is right over there,” the boy said and pointed to his mother. “Mom, can you come over here? Santa wants to ask you something!” the boy shouted.
The boy’s mother walked over and Santa said “Your son wants you to opt him out of the Smarter something test. It’s all he wants for Christmas.” The boy’s mother explained she had never heard of the test. “That’s cause this is the first year we take it Mom. I heard some teachers say it doesn’t actually mean anything and it only lets the state know how we are doing. And I heard something about some evil Psycho Metric guy.” The boy’s mother explained, “I will have to look into this.” The boy shouted “But I want you to opt me out!” The crowd heard the words “opt-out” and all of a sudden, parents were yelling “Opt him out! Opt him out!” Santa explained how he had to Breaking News: Santa Claus Supports Opt-Out!!! | Exceptional Delaware: