Liars in the HOUSE
What do you know about the Every Student Succeeds Act (S.1177) set to replace No Child Left Behind? One thing you probably won’t be surprised to hear is that the lawmaking process was corrupted.
But this time it is more than a bit unsettling. Few people know how openly the liars in the House — OUR HOUSE —are not being questioned or doubted by either the People or the other representatives…..that means no real debate occurred on this bill and it is sailing into law….unless we stop it.
When we toss together liars, lemmings, and a lackadaisical public, we have a recipe for political corruption…..How corrupt? Disgustingly so if you think parents should have a say in their own children’s education!
To begin with, don’t be fooled into thinking either the House or Senate were slaving away over writing this bill. They have had 15 years to think over the mistakes of No Child Left Behind and are overdue for reauthorizing it by EIGHT years.
During that time, the real rulershave not been idle… was always the plan to put common standards into federal law.
The Gates funded Achieve and the ADP (American Diploma Project) wrote this in 2008….2008…
Is there anything wrong with a common core of standards? … Maybe not, IF it is the Liars in the HOUSE - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: