NYCDOE Consultant Michael Agona Gets Caught in the Honey Jar

As many have read in my own story of why tenure is needed, I touched on a paid NYCDOE consultant (Michael Agona) who also doubles as a "supposed" fair and impartial hearing officer when teachers appeal their U ratings;
Michael Agona is a retired principal that is currently a NYCDOE consultant. Michael Agona is paid quite a bit of money from the DOE to assist principals on how to U-rate teachers In 2011 the DOE hired him for 3 years @$40k per to assist principals wishing to be rid of teachers (Item #9). This contract with the DOE should be expiring within the next few weeks.
In fact, he was one of the "fair and impartial" hearing officers when Lydia Howrilkaappealed her U-rating. What gives?? This is a form of double dipping or corruption, no?
The Crack Team came upon more, oh how shall we say, "curiosities" regarding Michael Agona throughOpen NYC.(Click to enlarge)
But that is not what has The Crack Team's bloomers all in a tizzy, this does; (Click to enlarge);
Michael Agona seems to have done quite well for himself while taking advantage of the largesse of the City of New York. We here at SBSB sarcastically say, "Kudos, Michael!"
When we add up all the money in the above chart, (And not including that charge for $1,575,000)Michael Agona made off with $245,000. Add in the biggie, and that