Dear Campbell Brown:
Today you made an appearance in Valerie Strauss's blog to respond to your many critics. I want to take a moment to respond to some of your questions.First, let me applaud you for taking the dialogue directly to your critics, rather than simply trashing or dismissing them elsewhere. Direct dialogue between the various sides of the ed debates (there are more than two) is rare and needed. I'm going
Duncan Funnels Millions to College Board
This is how it works in our current form of government.Suppose you make left-handed widgets. You are a major player in the market, but you do have competitors. You would like to both cement your role in the market while growing your share of the revenue. What do you do? Well, you could work on marketing, product development, basically making your case to the potential left-handed widget market.Or
Dear Michelle
Dear MichelleWell, we both knew this day would come. I never thought your love affair with education was a forever thing, but it still hurts to see that you've found a new flame. I know you'll still have a hand in education in a small way, but it won't be the same, will it.I stopped using your full name here months ago for a couple of reasons. For one, it seemed like the worst kind of clickbait, l
8-10-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: The 21st Century TeacherIf reformsters get their full laundry list of school system rewrites, the 21st Century teacher will be a very different animal from her 20th Century counterpart.* She will be paid little. If she sticks around, she will either face stagnant wages or her wage increases will put her in danger of being fired.* Her one real chance to make some extra money (and to