10-1-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: Senator Williams/Representative Johnson: Windham’s children, parents, teachers and taxpayers deserve better[A long but important post] Tomorrow, (Oct 2nd) State Senator Don Williams and State Representative Susan Johnson are scheduled to meet with their constituents about the damage “Special Master”, “Special Deal” Steven Adamowski is doing to their community. The children, parents, t
Louisiana Educator: Continued Attacks on Louisiana Public Education
Louisiana Educator: Continued Attacks on Louisiana Public Education: Continued Attacks on Louisiana Public EducationA small private meeting was held in Baton Rouge a couple of weeks ago including representatives of several highly influential power brokers who are dedicated to a major overhaul and privatization of our K-12 education system. These groups were very concerned that much of the Jindal r
Our Schools Are Not For Sale is the story of Philadelphia's teachers
Our Schools Are Not For Sale on Vimeo: Our Schools Are Not For Sale from Media Mobilizing Project TV on Vimeo.Our Schools Are Not For Salefrom Media Mobilizing Project TV PLUS 1 week ago / Creative Commons License: by nc NOT YET RATEDPublic education is under attack. Will we learn to live with a two-tier education system where money comes first, or will we come together to guarantee a quality ed
Closing Gaps?: Addressing Privilege and Poverty | the becoming radical
Closing Gaps?: Addressing Privilege and Poverty | the becoming radical: CLOSING GAPS?: ADDRESSING PRIVILEGE AND POVERTYNew ways of thinking about public education must occur before the U.S. can fulfill its obligation to the promise of universal public schools:We have failed public education; public education has not failed us.Education has never, cannot, and will never be a singular or primary mec
Secret Corbett poll proposing teachers union attack funded by PennCAN :: Blogs :: The Naked City :: Philadelphia City Paper
Secret Corbett poll proposing teachers union attack funded by PennCAN :: Blogs :: The Naked City :: Philadelphia City Paper: Secret Corbett poll proposing teachers union attack funded by PennCANBy Daniel Denvir Published: 06/19/2013 | 0 Comments PostedA secret report, based on a poll of Pennsylvanians, proposing that Gov. Tom Corbettmount a high-profile attack on the Philadelphia Federation of Tea
WTF Wealthy donors move schools decision-making behind closed doors :: Blogs :: The Naked City :: Philadelphia City Paper
Wealthy donors move schools decision-making behind closed doors :: Blogs :: The Naked City :: Philadelphia City Paper: Wealthy donors move schools decision-making behind closed doorsBy Daniel Denvir Published: 09/29/2013 | 3 Comments PostedPromotion for this week's "All of the Above" conference.On Monday, wealthy donors interested in the future of public education will gather for atwo-da
Global Corruption Report: Education
Global Corruption Report: Education: GLOBAL CORRUPTION REPORT: EDUCATIONCorruption can be found at all levels of our education systems, undermining the right to education.From ghost schools and fake diplomas, to undue corporate influence in university research, explore the many faces of corruption in education, and learn about ways it is being challenged.Let's get started!Press releasesBlog posts
Our Schools Are Not For Sale | WeArePCAPS
Our Schools Are Not For Sale | WeArePCAPS: Our Schools Are Not For SalePosted on October 1, 2013by wearepcapsYesterday at the Union League, long a bastion of privelege and wealth, billionaires met to further their aims of privatizing education, imposing austerity, and busting unions, all carefully packaged as “school choice” and “reform.” Meanwhile outside students, joined by teachers and paren
Mother Crusader: Could The Next Generation Of Philanthropy Actually SAVE Public Education?
Mother Crusader: Could The Next Generation Of Philanthropy Actually SAVE Public Education?: Could The Next Generation Of Philanthropy Actually SAVE Public Education?I've been having a very telling back and forth with some Anonymous Charter Cheerleaders on my blog the last couple of weeks, mostly in reference to a post I wrote back in January about Hatikvah International Academy Charter School, whi
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: It's come to this...
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: It's come to this...: It's come to this...Beggar schoolsChicago school children may be able to wipe themselves at school again, thanks to toilet paper donations from Proctor and Gamble. Rahm's budget cuts have left many schools going without. Parents' thanks go out to Ald. Nick Sposato who organized the TP drive after CPS cut about $3 million from budgets for six sch
10-1-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: The Assault on Public Education in SC Continues: More Innovation!How much education innovation can a high-poverty state take?Apparently, according to former-general-without-a-second-of-experience-as-a-teacher Superintendent Mick Zais, just a little more.As reported by Patrick Hayes at EdFirstSC (and not reported at the Charleston Post and Courier because the P&C is all about en
Democracy Is an 'Idea,' Not a Recipe - Bridging Differences - Education Week
Democracy Is an 'Idea,' Not a Recipe - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Democracy Is an 'Idea,' Not a RecipeBy Deborah Meier on October 1, 2013 8:52 AMDeborah Meier continues her conversation with Michael J. Petrilli today.Dear Mike, The two are inextricably connected: democratic education and education for democracy. But, you are right; they are not necessarily the same. Example: If my a
10-1-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: The Assault on Public Education in SC Continues: More Innovation!How much education innovation can a high-poverty state take? Apparently, according to former-general-without-a-second-of-experience-as-a-teacher Superintendent Mick Zais, just a little more. As reported by Patrick Hayes at EdFirstSC (and not reported at the Charleston Post and Courier because the P&C is all abou
Covered California Your destination for affordable, quality health care, including Medi-Cal
Covered California: Covered California Your destination for affordable, quality health care, including Medi-Cal "Profesor de lo Simple" explica los cambios en el Cuidado de la SaludEl 1 de enero de 2014 comenzará la nueva cobertura médica para millones de californianos. Covered California ayudará a individuos a comparar planes de salud y a elegir el plan qu
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 10-1-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Why VAM Is a ShamAudrey Amrein-Beardsley of Arizona State University is one of the nation’s leading authorities on teacher evaluation. She has the advantage of having taught middle school math for several years. She understands better than almost any other researcher just how flawed value-added measurement is. Next year, her book
10-1-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Sleazy Dan Squadron Refuses To Take Responsibility For His Campaign's Anonymous RoboCall Attack Against Tish JamesDan Squadron is a sleazeball.It's one thing to attack your opponent and take responsibility for the attacks.Alas, Squadron doesn't have the courage or the moral core to do that - as Politicker reports here: State Senator Daniel Squadron would not deny tonight tha
Affordable Care Act: A Marketplace of Opportunity | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
Affordable Care Act: A Marketplace of Opportunity | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: Affordable Care Act: A Marketplace of OpportunityBy Tarsi Dunlop on October 1, 2013Healthy kids come to school better able to focus on classroom learning. Having access to quality affordable health care will only increase the quality of life for the nation’s youth, their families and the surrou
Diane Ravitch at Stanford | InterACT
Diane Ravitch at Stanford | InterACT: Diane Ravitch at StanfordOCTOBER 1, 2013tags: diane ravitch, Stanfordby David B. Cohen(photo by the author)I had the pleasure of introducing Diane Ravitch at her Stanford University event on Monday night. Below, you can find the text of my introduction, and a few pictures from the event. But first, I love this picture (right), taken backstage just before the e
Jindal’s hypocrisy: the saga of St. Helena Parish schools; an interview with Superintendent Kelli Joseph | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
Jindal’s hypocrisy: the saga of St. Helena Parish schools; an interview with Superintendent Kelli Joseph | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Jindal's hypocrisy: the saga of St. Helena Parish schools; an interview with Superintendent Kelli JosephPosted on October 1, 20130 Reblogged from Something Like the Truth:By Robert MannGov. Bobby Jindal says he's outraged about the U.S. Justice Department's pleading th
Leading Innovative Change Series – Learning First, Technology Second | Connected Principals
Leading Innovative Change Series – Learning First, Technology Second | Connected Principals: Leading Innovative Change Series – Learning First, Technology SecondSeptember 28, 2013By George CourosI wanted to try my hand at writing a series of blog posts on “Leading Innovative Change”. As I am looking at writing a book on the same topic, I thought I would put some ideas out there and hopefully learn
I Always Want To Be A Teacher | toteachornototeach
I Always Want To Be A Teacher | toteachornototeach: I Always Want To Be A Teacherby Nick MonziLast week, in a meeting with colleagues at my education-based nonprofit, a dedicated volunteer asked me a question that required more thought than I expected.“How do you continue to learn about and evaluate your work?” she asked. “How are you sure that the change you hope to see in the world is going to b
Campbell's law in education: test scores vs. accountability - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.
Campbell's law in education: test scores vs. accountability - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.: Campbell's law in education: test scores vs. accountability by Joseph Ganem Ph.D. The problem of cheating on standardized tests that was recently uncovered in the Baltimore City Public Schools is apparently another in a long list of testing scandals that have plagued school districts across
‘Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress…’
‘Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress…’: ‘Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress…’By Valerie Strauss, Published: October 1 at 4:00 amE-mail the writer4CommentsMore(By Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg)If you somehow don’t know about the utter mess in the U.S. Congress, look here (and start paying attention). If you do, here’s something to help
Activists call on Philly schools to limit teacher seniority, unilaterally | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Activists call on Philly schools to limit teacher seniority, unilaterally | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Activists call on Philly schools to limit teacher seniority, unilaterallyby thenotebook on Sep 30 2013 Posted in Latest news="" style="color: rgb(76, 153, 72); cursor: pointer; float: left; padding: 0px 2px;">Share on emailMore Sharing ServicesCOMMENTS (6)PRINTPhoto:
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Lessons from the '63 Boycott
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Lessons from the '63 Boycott: Lessons from the '63 Boycott Rachel DicksonTim HorsburghKartemquin Films63boycott@kartemquin.com773-472-4366/ 773-656-8939 (cell)FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:On the 50th anniversary of the 1963 school boycott, activists from then and now will talk about one of Chicago's largest civil rights marches at a screening of in-progress documentary '63
Two-pronged attack on teachers' seniority planned
Two-pronged attack on teachers' seniority planned: Two-pronged attack on teachers' seniority plannedFile photo: In 2011, city teachers rally outside district headquarters. (Steven M. Falk/Staff)MARTHA WOODALL, INQUIRER STAFF WRITERLAST UPDATED: Monday, September 30, 2013, 2:01 AMPOSTED: Sunday, September 29, 2013, 7:03 PMSeniority for public school teachers is in the crosshairs in Philadelphia and
The charter school mistake -
The charter school mistake - The charter school mistake'Reforming' schools by giving tax money to corporations is a distraction from the system's real problems — poverty and racial segregation.Comments1EmailShare12Students look for their classrooms on the opening day of instruction at the Westchester Secondary Charter school. (Los Angeles Times / September 3, 2013)
Are These Photos of a Bronx Assistant Principal Provocative and Risque? Are These Photos of a Bronx Assistant Principal Provocative and Risque?Breaking news has come across the SBSB news desk. The Crack Team has learned that Jessica Cruze, AP at PS 154 in the Bronx and BFF of DR Alison Coviello; PhD. and Principal has a specialtalent. She is a professional belly dancer.We here at SBSB applaud Jessica Cruz of keeping this ancient art fo
What would federal shutdown mean for California education? | EdSource Today
What would federal shutdown mean for California education? | EdSource Today: What would federal shutdown mean for California education?September 30th, 2013 | Add a Comment | By Jane Meredith Adams1Federal money for education will continue to flow into California, with some caveats, even if the federal government’s spending authority runs out late Monday.The big ticket federal education programs in
Nite Cap 9-30-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2 #Cheats4Change
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAYGeorge W. Bush's Education Law, No Child Left Behind, Abandoned By TexasGeorge W. Bush's Education Law, No Child Left Behind, Abandoned By Texas: George W. Bush's Education Law, No Child Left Behind, Abandoned By TexasPosted: 09/30/2013 5:57