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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The impact of IMPACT

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The impact of IMPACT

The impact of IMPACT

Here in D.C., Chancellor Rhee is sailing through the floodgates, opened when union leaders signed on to a bogus contract. The agreement allowed pay increases based mainly on the good will of a few private foundations, in exchange for Rhee's ability to fire teachers in mass, using the IMPACT evaluation process. IMPACT is mainly an attempt to link student test scores with individual teachers. It also includes 22 other measurement points which are supposed to be assessed in a 30 minute-observation by a master-teacher.

Valerie Strauss shows why the entire process in suspect in this post on the Answer Sheet.
A number of teachers never got the full five evaluations, apparently because a number of master