Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, July 26, 2023




Oklahoma is known for many things: cowboys, oil, and now, apparently, snowflakes. That's right, folks, the state that brought you the musical "Oklahoma!" and the tornado that took Dorothy to Oz is now home to a group of delicate flowers who can't handle a little criticism. 

You see, on July 28, 2022, the Oklahoma State Board of Education voted to downgrade the accreditation of Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) to "accredited with warning." Why? Because a teacher complained that a training session on implicit bias violated state law HB1775, which restricts discussions of race and racism in public schools. 

Now, before you get all riled up and start shouting about cancel culture and political correctness gone mad, let's take a closer look at what actually happened. The training session in question was provided by a third-party vendor and took place in August 2021, before the administrative rules had taken effect. The teacher who filed the complaint said that the training session included statements that "shamed white people for past offenses." 

Okay, fair enough. No one likes to be shamed. But let's be real here: if you're a white person living in America, you've probably done some things in the past that are worth feeling ashamed about. Slavery? Check. Jim Crow? Check. The KKK? Check. The fact that we still have to have training sessions on implicit bias in 2022? Check, check, and check. 

So why are these Okla Maga snowflakes getting their panties in a twist over a little criticism? Well, it turns out that they're not too fond of being reminded of their past misdeeds. They'd much rather pretend that everything is hunky-dory and that racism is a thing of the past. 

But here's the thing: it's not. Racism is alive and well in America, and it's not going away anytime soon. We need to have these difficult conversations about race and racism if we ever hope to move forward as a society. And if that means some white people have to feel a little uncomfortable for a while, so be it. 

Of course, not everyone sees it that way. Some people believe that the board of education was right to downgrade TPS's accreditation, and that HB1775 is a law that should be taken seriously. They argue that the training session violated the law and that the downgrade will send a message to other school districts that they need to be careful about how they discuss race and racism in the classroom. 

But let's be real here: HB1775 is a ridiculous law that serves no purpose other than to pander to fragile white egos. It's not about protecting students or promoting academic freedom; it's about making sure that white people don't have to feel uncomfortable or guilty about their past misdeeds. And as for the message it sends to other school districts? Well, it's not exactly a positive one. It tells them that they need to tiptoe around the issue of race and avoid any discussion that might make white people feel bad. 

So what's the solution here? Should we just stop talking about race altogether and pretend that everything is fine? Of course not. We need to have these difficult conversations if we ever hope to make progress as a society. And if some white people have to feel a little uncomfortable or ashamed along the way, well, that's just tough titties. 

In the end, the downgrade of TPS's accreditation is a reminder of the ongoing debate over the role of race and racism in public education. It's also a reminder that we still have a long way to go before we can truly say that we've overcome our racist past. But hey, at least we can take comfort in knowing that we've got some Okla Maga snowflakes on our side, right?

Mustang Public Schools challenges accreditation downgrade | Oklahoma City 

Okla. downgrades school district over complaint it shamed White people