“Please don’t grow up to be one of those men who lie for the sport of it, and most men do. That’s a fact. That’s why the world is so messed up, Noah. That’s why history books are full of so much heartache, and tragedy. Politicians, dictators, kings, phoney-baloney preachers-most of ’em are men, and most of ’em lie like rugs”
― Flush
― Flush
“Remember the key to life,” Serge shouted over the engine. “Always act like you deserve to be here.”
― Hurricane Punch
― Hurricane Punch
Today marks a milestone of sorts for Metro Nashville Public Schools. It’s the half-way point of the first quarter of the school year, a school year that has been conducted completely virtual. We shouldn’t let that go unrecognized. Something that was completely unimaginable a year ago is now in the history books. We can argue about results and outcomes, but we can’t argue about the magnitude.
Over the past week, I’ve listened to the arguments, pro, and con, about the course being charted by Director of Schools Adrienne Battle and her team. School board member Fran Bush and several hundred parents held a rally at Bransford Avenue early in the week to demand that schools reopen and afterschool activities, including sports and band, resume.
There was an immediate response by teachers, and others, expressing resistance to returning to face to face instruction too soon. While acknowledging the importance of kids being in school, they argued that the data did not support a resumption of classes at this juncture.
Both sides make very compelling arguments, but I feel the need to point a few things out. . COVID numbers, while down and declining, are still substantial. Those who think that opening schools CONTINUE READING: AN EMERITUS QUESTION – Dad Gone Wild