What everyone else knows about your child

So, there is the NSA which is creepy (an unconstitutional) enough spying on every citizen in this country who has an email account or cell phone, but what about all the people who know about your child’s personal information?
With every policy that goes through our city, state and national legislatures regarding public school education, your child is losing more and more of their private information to third parties and beyond.
This was spelled out in CCER, the Road Map Project and student data collection and with the mayor’s preschool program, it will now begin with 2 year olds and follow them through 18 years and beyond.
FERPA, a student’s right to privacy act, was weakened with Obama and his sidekick Secretary of Education Arne Duncan when they amended the law. See Diane Ravitch’s post Why is the US Department of Education Weakening FERPA?
Leonie Haimson has taking on the battle of protecting student privacy for several years now and established The Parent Coalition for Student Privacy.
To follow is a recent article Ms. Haimson wrote for the Washington Post:
Remember that ominous threat from your childhood, “This will go down on your permanent record?” Well, your children’s permanent record is a whole lot bigger today and it may be permanent. Information about your children’s behavior and nearly everything else that a school or state agency knows about them is being tracked, profiled and potentially shared.
During a February 2015 congressional hearing on “How Emerging Technology Affects Student Privacy,” Rep. Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin asked the panel to “provide a summary of all the information collected by the time a student reaches graduate school.”Joel Reidenberg, director of the Center on Law & Information Policy at Fordham Law School, responded:
“Just think George Orwell, and take it to the nth degree. We’re in an environment of surveillance, essentially. It will be an extraordinarily rich data set of your life.”
Most student data is gathered at school via multiple routes; either through children’s online usage or information provided by parents, teachers or other school staff. A What everyone else knows about your child | Seattle Education: