On ESSA and Party Crashing | Save Maine Schools
On ESSA and Party Crashing | Save Maine Schools: On ESSA and Party CrashingI Can’t help but think of good ol’ Tom Vander Ark tonight.Back in 2010, Vander Ark wrote the following in a blog post on why he believed, at the time, that the reauthorization of ESEA should hold off just a few more years: “The world will be different a year from now: 20 states will be well into Race to the Top implementati
CT Republican Strategy 101 - Snatching Defeat out of the Jaws of Victory - Wait What?
CT Republican Strategy 101 - Snatching Defeat out of the Jaws of Victory - Wait What?:CT Republican Strategy 101 – Snatching Defeat out of the Jaws of VictoryPolitical observers and students of Connecticut politics are fond of noting that while many Connecticut voters are perfectly comfortable splitting their tickets, the Connecticut Republican Party has had a tendency to nominate state-wide candi
Letter to the Roseville City School District | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Letter to the Roseville City School District | Electronic Frontier Foundation:Roseville City School District Embraces Chromebooks, But At What Cost?A Case Study of a California Father Fighting His Daughter’s School District Over Digital PrivacyKatherine W. was seven years old, in the third grade, when her teacher first issued Google Chromebooks to the class.Katherine’s father, Jeff, was concerned.
The Public Trust is Broken - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice
The Public Trust is Broken - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: The Public Trust is BrokenCongress has made so many mistakes, the public trust is broken. The trust has gotten so small, it crumbled under the weight of a corrupted lawmaking process.Our congressional representatives have proven themselves to be untrustworthy, repeatedly, by passing laws that put the interest of corporations ahead of
So, Teacher, You Don't Want to be "Political"? That's No Longer An Option
So, Teacher, You Don't Want to be "Political"? That's No Longer An Option: SO, TEACHER, YOU DON’T WANT TO BE “POLITICAL”? THAT’S NO LONGER AN OPTIONI know, you are in the teaching life to teach, to instruct, to give to the next generation. So am I. But, I have come to some stark realizations lately:1. If you are a public school teacher, you are involved in politics right now, whether
Every Student Succeeds Act - Lily's Blackboard
Every Student Succeeds Act - Lily's Blackboard: Every Student Succeeds ActA new national education law—the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)—will be signed into law by President Obama this week, setting a new course for our schools.It’s sobering to think—painful, actually—that a U.S. high school student graduating in the spring of 2016 would have spent his or her entire k-12 school career under No
Broad charter plan comes heavy attack at LAUSD board meeting - LA School Report
Broad charter plan comes heavy attack at LAUSD board meeting - LA School Report: Broad charter plan comes heavy attack at LAUSD board meetingJackie Goldberg declares war outside the school board meeting.The Broad Foundation plan to expand charter schools in LA Unified made an ominous debut before the LA Unified board yesterday as one opponent after another ripped into it as unwanted, unnecessary a
NEA - U.S. Senate ushers in new era in public education with historic vote
NEA - U.S. Senate ushers in new era in public education with historic vote: U.S. Senate ushers in new era in public Education with historic voteNEA welcomes bill to create greater opportunity for every student to succeedWASHINGTON - December 09, 2015 -The U.S. Senate today approved S. 1177, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a bipartisan and bicameral bill to reauthorize the federal education
How the Every Student Succeeds Act Will Really Change No Child Left Behind-Era Schools - The Atlantic
How the Every Student Succeeds Act Will Really Change No Child Left Behind-Era Schools - The Atlantic:The Bloated Rhetoric of No Child Left Behind’s DemiseWhat replacing the despised law actually means for America’s schoolsHow does the Every Student Succeeds Act reverse the course of K-12 education in the United States? The headlines say it all: It “Restores Local Education Control.” It “continues
CURMUDGUCATION: ESSA: All New Baloney!:ESSA: All New Baloney!ESSA has just cleared Congress, and the Department of Education is already giving us a look at the freshly sliced baloney that they will be serving at the Ed Reform Buffet. From Twitter, just now:Let's count all the ways this is wrong, because it helps us understand just how USED's vision is messed up.Holds all students to high academic
While Team Malloy says full steam ahead on the Common Core and Common Core Testing Mania… - Wait What?
While Team Malloy says full steam ahead on the Common Core and Common Core Testing Mania… - Wait What?: While Team Malloy says full steam ahead on the Common Core and Common Core Testing Mania…Veteran Connecticut educator Ann P. Cronin says that in this new post No Child Behind Act (NCLB)Environment, “CT Must Reject The Common Core.”Educator, public education advocate and education blogger Ann P.
Why it’s worth re-reading George W. Bush’s 2002 No Child Left Behind speech - The Washington Post
Why it’s worth re-reading George W. Bush’s 2002 No Child Left Behind speech - The Washington Post: Why it’s worth re-reading George W. Bush’s 2002 No Child Left Behind speechIt was on Jan. 8, 2002 that then president George W. Bush signed No Child Left Behind into law, promising a new start for students in low-achieving schools. It was a “historic” moment, he said, and America’s public schools wou
AFT: Every Student Succeeds Act Opens New Chapter for Education | American Federation of Teachers
AFT: Every Student Succeeds Act Opens New Chapter for Education | American Federation of Teachers: AFT: Every Student Succeeds Act Opens New Chapter for Education WASHINGTON—Statement by American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten on Senate—and final congressional—approval of the Every Student Succeeds Act:"Today's Senate vote of 85-12 on the Every Student Succeeds Act represen
Just the Facts, Ma’am | EduShyster
Just the Facts, Ma’am | EduShyster: Just the Facts, Ma’amSTATE AUDITOR SUZANNE BUMP PERFORMS AN AUDIT OF HER AUDITI sit down with Massachusetts State Auditor Suzanne Bump (which is a lot more exciting than it sounds…)EduShyster: First of all, allow me to congratulate you. You took the top spot in a category that I like to call *most read audit by people who have never read an audit before.* I’m ta
A Premature Celebration in DC | The Merrow Report
A Premature Celebration in DC | The Merrow Report: A Premature Celebration in DCWhy Is Washington Celebrating Kaya Henderson’s Five Year Anniversary?Last month Kaya Henderson celebrated her fifth anniversary as Chancellor of the public schools in Washington, DC. Five years at the helm of an urban district is a milestone that few big city superintendents achieve, and she has been praised for hangi
Want to know why CTU members will vote to strike? Here’s why. | Fred Klonsky
Want to know why CTU members will vote to strike? Here’s why. | Fred Klonsky: Want to know why CTU members will vote to strike? Here’s why.Members of the Chicago Teachers Union will be voting on strike authorization over the next three days.Many have taken to social media to explain their reasons for voting yes.CTU members are invited to send me their video to my comment section and I will add the
Illinois Budget Crisis Threatens to Slash $480 Million from Chicago Schools Mid-Year | janresseger
Illinois Budget Crisis Threatens to Slash $480 Million from Chicago Schools Mid-Year | janresseger: Illinois Budget Crisis Threatens to Slash $480 Million from Chicago Schools Mid-YearChicago teachers are voting this week to authorize a strike, though it wouldn’t occur any time prior to March 2016. Catalyst Chicago quotes Karen Lewis, President of the Chicago Teachers Union, explaining, “We don’t
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Feds are in town to save Rahm, not to bury him
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Feds are in town to save Rahm, not to bury him: Feds are in town to save Rahm, not to bury himAsked specifically if the probe will be expanded to examine City Hall or the Cook County State's Attorney's office, Lynch said the investigation will focus on misconduct "within the police department.""The Department of Justice is coming in," Emanuel said
Final reauthorization bill leaves out ‘readiness’ goals :: SI&A Cabinet Report
Final reauthorization bill leaves out ‘readiness’ goals :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: Final reauthorization bill leaves out ‘readiness’ goals(District of Columbia) In what may prove the single largest showing of bipartisanship during the entire two terms of the Obama administration, Congress is poised to approve a sweeping rewrite of the
Schools Matter: The Compelling Research on Diversity
Schools Matter: The Compelling Research on Diversity: The Compelling Research on DiversitySCOTUS is about to hear the Fisher v. University of Texas appeal, and the American Educational Research Association has just released a press kit to help the public understand the issues involved in supporting policy to assure diversity in schools, whether college or kindergarten.Fisher v. University of Texas
Nearly 1,000 North Side high schoolers skip school lunch | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago
Nearly 1,000 North Side high schoolers skip school lunch | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago: High Schoolers Get CPS’ Attention with Website and Lunch BoycottMore than 80 percent of Roosevelt High School students boycotted school lunch Monday to protest school food. Many ate granola, yogurt and fruit donated by supporters.(WBEZ/Monica Eng)Monday morning Roosevelt High School students and their teacher Tim Meegan
2015 State Teacher Policy Yearbook
Publications: 2015 State Teacher Policy YearbookDecember 2015The 2015 State Teacher Policy Yearbook is our ninth annual Yearbook report. Comprised of a National Summary and State-specific reports for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, this 52 volume Yearbook provides a 360-degree analysis of every state law, rule and regulation that shapes the teaching profession—from teacher preparation,
State Privatization and Destruction of Public Education Analysis: Rankings & Profiles - NACSA
State Policy Analysis: Rankings & Profiles - NACSA: State Privatization and Destruction of Public Education Analysis: Rankings & Profiles - NACSAState Policy Analysis: Rankings & Profiles - NACSA:
Seattle Schools Community Forum: About Three Days
Seattle Schools Community Forum: About Three Days:About Three DaysI've been talking a lot about charter schools lately and both Charlie and I have been speculating what will happen to them due to the Supreme Court's final ruling that the Washington State charter law is unconstitutional. But I did have an epiphany this morning as the thunder woke me up. (I'll again state - I'm not a lawyer but I t
CURMUDGUCATION: TeachStrong Gathers More Anti-Teacher Moss
CURMUDGUCATION: TeachStrong Gathers More Anti-Teacher Moss:TeachStrong Gathers More Anti-Teacher MossJust a few weeks ago, TeachStrong burst upon the scene, declaring itself ready to lift up the teaching profession with its nine steps of teacher swellness.TS represented an odd assortment of groups, apparently led by the Center for American Progress and including such strange bedfellows as NEA and
ESEA Rewrite Passes Senate, Heads to President's Desk - Politics K-12 - Education Week
ESEA Rewrite Passes Senate, Heads to President's Desk - Politics K-12 - Education Week: ESEA Rewrite Passes Senate, Heads to President's DeskWashingtonHear that collective whoop from the Capitol? That's the sound of education advocates and lawmakers cheering at the finish line as the first rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in more than a dozen years sails through Congress and o
The Exit Interview: Arne Duncan on His Legacy and the Future of Higher Education - Yahoo News
The Exit Interview: Arne Duncan on His Legacy and the Future of Higher Education - Yahoo News: The Exit Interview: Arne Duncan on His Legacy and the Future of Higher EducationArne Duncan will go down as one of the most influential education secretaries in history.Duncan, 51, will soon step down after serving for seven years as the United States secretary of education, making him one of President B
Mark Zuckerberg says he’s learned from his school reform mistakes. Has he really? - The Washington Post
Mark Zuckerberg says he’s learned from his school reform mistakes. Has he really? - The Washington Post: Mark Zuckerberg says he’s learned from his school reform mistakes. Has he really?Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, recently announced to the world, on the occasion of the birth of their daughter Max, that would, over time, donate 99 percent of their Facebook stock t
Durham teachers union fights privatization efforts | News & Observer
Durham teachers union fights privatization efforts | News & Observer: Durham teachers union fights privatization effortsDURHAM The Durham Association of Educators has launched a campaign to fight those pushing to privatize public schools.“Public schools are under attack,” said Bryan Proffitt, president of the Durham Public Schools teachers’ union, the Durham Association of Educators.“It’s a we
New bill would ban charter schools from paying for ads with tax dollars | cleveland.com
New bill would ban charter schools from paying for ads with tax dollars | cleveland.com: New bill would ban charter schools from paying for ads with tax dollarsAn ad for the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT), Ohio's largest charter school. A new bill from Senate Minority Leader Joe Schiavoni would prevent schools from spending tax dollars on ads like these. Note: We do not know how ECOT paid
State review could stretch definition of Common Core standards | POLITICO
State review could stretch definition of Common Core standards | POLITICO: State review could stretch definition of Common Core standardsA student works in an eight grade algebra class at Holy Spirit School in East Greenbush, N.Y. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)ALBANY — As the Common Core task force and state Education Department ready their recommendations for the governor, the reviews raise the prospect o
The Charter School Teacher Who Suffers from Test Depression
The Charter School Teacher Who Suffers from Test Depression: The Charter School Teacher Who Suffers from Test DepressionUpdates from the school "reform" movement.Thanks again to Diane Ravitch's blog, we get directed to a post by a woman named Emily Kaplan, who worked at a celebrated charter school in Boston, and who now works in a public school because the charter school sounds like a ti
Diane Ravitch and Anti-Apartheid Hero Albie Sachs Join Tom Needham on The Sounds of Film
Public Education Advocate, Diane Ravitch, and South African Anti-Apartheid Hero, Albie Sachs, Join Tom Needham on Long Island’s The Sounds of Film Show | Long Island New York:PUBLIC EDUCATION ADVOCATE, DIANE RAVITCH, AND SOUTH AFRICAN ANTI-APARTHEID HERO, ALBIE SACHS JOIN TOM NEEDHAM ON LONG ISLAND’S THE SOUNDS OF FILM SHOWPublic Education Advocate Diane Ravitch in an appearance on Comedy Central’
College option to jail for lesser crimes
College option to jail for lesser crimes: College option to jail for lesser crimes People charged with first-time nonviolent felonies will get an opportunity to go to college rather than jail under a program launched Monday by Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams and Community College of Philadelphia.The "Future Forward" pilot, scheduled to begin in the spring with 10 to 15 stude
UTLA- NOT REALLY A UNION - Perdaily.com: UTLA- NOT REALLY A UNION(Mensaje se repite en Español)In the attempt to unionize the charter school teachers of Alliance College Ready Public School by the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), it is hard- if not impossible- to know which side represents the lesser of two evils for teachers caught between them, since it is clear to me that with or without a u
New school improvement agency makes four key hires | EdSource
New school improvement agency makes four key hires | EdSource: New school improvement agency makes four key hiresSOURCE: CALIFORNIA COLLABORATIVE FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE WEBCAST.Carl Cohn, executive director of the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, discusses the need for staffing at a recent meeting of the agency's board.The state agency charged with overseeing school improve
Charter School Annual Oversight Checklist | Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team
Charter School Annual Oversight Checklist | Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Charter School Annual Oversight ChecklistFCMAT’s Charter School Annual Oversight Checklist is provided as a tool for charter schools’ authorizing agencies and for charter schools themselves. Please read the News Alert below for important background and practical information regarding the checklist document
The Students Always Do That | The Jose Vilson
The Students Always Do That | The Jose Vilson: The Students Always Do ThatReal talk: I haven’t been feeling myself lately.We’ve had a plethora of school program changes. In sum, I ended up with me having five periods of five classes. I don’t blame anyone in my building. I do find it inappropriate to make such hefty changes in freaking December, more so for the students than for me or the adults in
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Clarity on WA State Charter Schools from Charter Commission? Fuhgeddaboudit
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Clarity on WA State Charter Schools from Charter Commission? Fuhgeddaboudit: Clarity on WA State Charter Schools from Charter Commission? Fuhgeddabouditfuhgeddaboudit 1. Forget about it - the issue is not worth the time, energy, mental effort, or emotional resources. 2. Definitively "no." That was one uneventful and less-than-insightful Charter Commission
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 12/8/15
CORPORATE ED REFORM New documents provide details of LAUSD probe that led to firing of famed educator Rafe Esquith - LA TimesNew documents provide details of LAUSD probe that led to firing of famed educator Rafe Esquith - LA Times: New documents provide details of LAUSD probe that led to firing of famed educator Rafe EsquithRafe Esquith, the most celebrated teacher in L.A., was removed from his cl