Education Protection Account, Fiscal Year 2015-16 - Principal Apportionment (CA Dept of Education)
Education Protection Account, Fiscal Year 2015-16 - Principal Apportionment (CA Dept of Education): Education Protection Account, Fiscal Year 2015-16Distribution of 2015-16 Education Protection Account (EPA) funds to local educational agencies in accordance with Proposition 30, The Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012.Second Quarterly ApportionmentCertified December 10, 2015Appor
Hoverboards and the Every Student Succeeds Act
Hoverboards and the Every Student Succeeds Act: Hoverboards and the Every Student Succeeds ActLast night on NBC news, I waited to hear about the Senate’s overwhelming passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act. Perhaps I missed it, or they are waiting to say something about it now that President Obama has signed the bill into law.Instead, one of the news items Lester Holt told us about involved the
The Rhino in the Room: Time to End Disruptive Reform - Living in Dialogue
The Rhino in the Room: Time to End Disruptive Reform - Living in Dialogue: The Rhino in the Room: Time to End Disruptive ReformBy John Thompson.The Washington Post’s Emma Brown provides an excellent overview of the “the elephant in the room,” which is the real reason why the inequitable distribution of teaching talent helps undermine inner city schools. Brown borrows that phrase from David Sapp, d
CURMUDGUCATION: Eight Years Under the Ax
CURMUDGUCATION: Eight Years Under the Ax: Eight Years Under the AxWhile the rest of the world was celebrating the passage of an ESEA (only eight years or so late! yay!) or looking at NEPC's brutal-but-necessary report on the charter gravy train, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities was releasing the results of its three-month study of state funding for education over the last almost-decade.
Public School Funding Declined Since 2008 | Al Jazeera America
Public School Funding Declined Since 2008 | Al Jazeera America: Public school funding has declined in most states since 2008, report saysGreat Recession has had long-term effect on school funding, putting education quality at risk, new study fundsPublic schools in most of the United States are receiving less state funding now than seven years ago, putting at risk the quality of education for many
WHITE HOUSE REPORT: The Every Student Succeeds Act | whitehouse.gov
WHITE HOUSE REPORT: The Every Student Succeeds Act | whitehouse.gov: WHITE HOUSE REPORT: The Every Student Succeeds ActLast week, the White House released a fact sheet praising House passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) with strong bipartisan support and calling on the Senate to do the same. Today, as President Obama signs that bill into law, the White House is releasing an analysis of
The Decline of the Great American Middle Class - Wait What?
The Decline of the Great American Middle Class - Wait What?: The Decline of the Great American Middle ClassWhether driven by benign-neglect or outright disdain, the “advanced capitalist system,” along with the nation’s two-party, “incumbency” form of government continues to undermine the country’s Middle Class and hold down those without the resources to live full and fulfilling lives.As Nobel Lau
'Parent Revolution' pushes bad charter school rhetoric - NonDoc
'Parent Revolution' pushes bad charter school rhetoric - NonDoc: Parent Revolution’ pushes bad charter school rhetoricStudents exit the F.D. Moon Academy after school on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in Oklahoma City. (William W. Savage III)Even among Oklahoma City residents, not that many outsiders venture into the neighborhood around F.D. Moon Elementary School. My three incredibly satisfying de
Dear Teacher Education "Leaders" | BustED Pencils
Dear Teacher Education "Leaders" | BustED Pencils: Dear Teacher Education “Leaders”As I am sure you know by now, ESSA passed the Senate and is headed for the President’s signature. Not good news for teacher education.If you’re confused by that statement please take some time to read Ken Zeichner’s piece in the Washington Post. The new realities facing “traditional” teacher education ar
New Education Law Returns Education Policy to States, Ignores Equity as Federal Priority | janresseger
New Education Law Returns Education Policy to States, Ignores Equity as Federal Priority | janresseger: New Education Law Returns Education Policy to States, Ignores Equity as Federal PriorityYesterday the Senate passed the Every Student Succeeds Act, the newest example of pretending that reality will match a bill title’s rhetoric. We have turned the corner from the negative No Child Left Behind
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Anyone buying Rahm's 'I'm sorry' (for whatever) speech?
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Anyone buying Rahm's 'I'm sorry' (for whatever) speech?: Anyone buying Rahm's 'I'm sorry' (for whatever) speech?“No citizen is a second-class citizen in the city of Chicago. If my children are treated one way, every child is treated the same way. There is one standard for our young men.” "These facts defy credibility." -- Rahm Emanuel prepared remarksAside
Picture Post Week: Subprime Chartering | School Finance 101
Picture Post Week: Subprime Chartering | School Finance 101: Picture Post Week: Subprime CharteringA short while back, I explained how, in our fervor to rapidly expand charter schooling and decrease the role of large urban school districts in serving their resident school-aged populations, we’ve created some particularly ludicrous scenarios whereby, for example – charter school operators use publi
With A Brooklyn Accent: Muslims in the Bronx; Rebuilding Communities, Defying Stereotypes
With A Brooklyn Accent: Muslims in the Bronx; Rebuilding Communities, Defying Stereotypes: Muslims in the Bronx; Rebuilding Communities, Defying StereotypesIf you want to get a sense of the diversity of Muslim America, and the peaceful atmosphere of most Muslim American communities, there is no better place to do this than the Bronx. There are now tens of thousands of people who consider themselve
The State of the Charter School Movement | Bellwether Education Partners
The State of the Charter School Movement | Bellwether Education Partners: The State of the Charter School MovementThe State of the Charter School MovementSara MeadAshley LiBetti MitchelAndrew J. RotherhamSEPTEMBER 10, 2015 DOWNLOAD PDFThe State of the Charter School MovementDuring the past decade, the number of students attending charter schools more than tripled to nearly 3 million, or 6 percent,
Newark’s schools: Three questions begging for answers | Bob Braun's Ledger
Newark’s schools: Three questions begging for answers | Bob Braun's Ledger: Newark’s schools: Three questions begging for answersNothing beyond silence, resignation, and acquiescence comes out of Newark’s once united and vocal pro public school community anymore, but there are three questions that should be answered. They probably won’t be until it’s too late to do anyone any good. Here they are:1
What Is a Democracy School? - Bridging Differences - Education Week
What Is a Democracy School? - Bridging Differences - Education Week: What Is a Democracy School? Deborah Meier continues her conversation with Harry Boyte. To read their full exchange, please visit here.Dear Harry and friends,Indeed, we're stuck with each other on planet Earth. This is an unprecedented challenge to our human capacity to negotiate our way through the future together. As far as I kn
Schools Matter: Massive Charter Giveaways in ESEA Re-Write, Part 2
Schools Matter: Massive Charter Giveaways in ESEA Re-Write, Part 2: Massive Charter Giveaways in ESEA Re-Write, Part 2See Part 1 here.Let’s begin Part 2 with a quiz. Based on your knowledge of how federal programs work, can you fill in the blank below?‘‘(b) INFORMATION AND ASSURANCES.—Each application submitted under subsection (a) shall include— ‘‘(1) a description of—
‘‘(A) how a grant awarded u
Was High-Stakes Testing 2015's Biggest Loser? - NEA Today
Was High-Stakes Testing 2015's Biggest Loser? - NEA Today: Was High-Stakes Testing 2015’s Biggest Loser?In October, President Obama announced that the Department of Education would betaking steps to limit standardized testing in schools. The proposal was a little short on specifics but the fact that the administration was conceding that rampant overtesting was a problem – for which it “bears some
New Report Shines A Light Into The Charter School Black Box
12/10/2015 – New Report Shines A Light Into The Charter School Black Box:New Report Shines A Light Into The Charter School Black BoxTHIS WEEK: Becoming California … High-Poverty Kids Get Substitutes … Education Doesn’t Fix Poverty … Poor Pay For Pre-K Teachers … Unions Improve Teacher QualityTOP STORYNew Report Shines A Light Into The Charter School Black BoxBy Jeff Bryant“Charter schools are now
FREDERICK M. HESS: The Real Obama Education Legacy > National Affairs
The Real Obama Education Legacy > Publications > National Affairs: The Real Obama Education LegacyPresident Obama entered the Oval Office in 2009 with great hope and promise. Education reform, in particular, seemed set to benefit. Candidate Obama had made a point of using education to illustrate that he was championing "investment" rather than mere government "spending" and was
Why the New Education Law Is Good for Children Left Behind - The New York Times
Why the New Education Law Is Good for Children Left Behind - The New York Times: Why the New Education Law Is Good for Children Left BehindCreditAndrew DeGraffTHE No Child Left Behind law will soon be consigned to the dustbin of history. With a rare display of bipartisanship, Congress has overhauled federal education policy. The law’s successor, the Every Student Succeeds Act, is headed for the pr
Here's why Mark Zuckerberg is dumping billions into 'personalized learning' - Business Insider
Here's why Mark Zuckerberg is dumping billions into 'personalized learning' - Business Insider: Here's why Mark Zuckerberg is dumping billions into 'personalized learning'Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg believes personalized learning is the answer to many of education’s current woes, and is one of the four key areas that he and his wife Prescilla Chan’s US$45 billion Chan Zuckerberg Initiative wi
Charter Schools Are a 'Gravy Train,' | Al Jazeera America
Charter Schools Are a 'Gravy Train,' | Al Jazeera America: Charter schools are a ‘gravy train,’ say researchersA new report examines the methods charter school operators can use to enrich themselvesThe policy framework for U.S. charter schools encourages “privatization and profiteering,” a research institute said in a report released Thursday.Charter schools are able to siphon off large quantities
Charter schools need better transparency, accountability, study says | MLive.com
Charter schools need better transparency, accountability, study says | MLive.com: Charter schools need better transparency, accountability, study saysThe growth of for-profit management companies operating charter school has led to "scandalous" financial practices that steer money away from students and into the pockets of private business, according to a study released Thursday."Th
Barbara Madeloni: Charter schools are not the answer - The Boston Globe
Charter schools are not the answer - The Boston Globe: Charter schools are not the answerMASSACHUSETTS HAS long had a commitment to provide every student in the state with the opportunity to study, learn, and develop the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to our democracy. In many ways we have lived up to this promise: Our public schools are the envy of the nation. But in many ways we have
Ohio charter schools among network accused of ‘human trafficking’ and teaching Islam - Break News - Ohio
Ohio charter schools among network accused of ‘human trafficking’ and teaching Islam - Break News - Ohio: Ohio charter schools among network accused of ‘human trafficking’ and teaching IslamA British law firm hired by the Turkish government is suing an international Muslim leader who, while exiled in Pennsylvania, has inspired one of the largest publicly funded charter school networks in Ohio and
The long-term impact of NCLB waivers on ESEA renewal | Brookings Institution
The long-term impact of NCLB waivers on ESEA renewal | Brookings Institution: The long-term impact of NCLB waivers on ESEA renewal
Hey Zuckerberg: We don't want your charity | SocialistWorker.org
Hey Zuckerberg: We don't want your charity | SocialistWorker.org: Hey Zuckerberg: We don't want your charityEvery dollar in Mark Zuckerberg's private charity is a dollar wrested from public coffers and from democratic control, writes Jason Farbman, in an article published at Jacobin.THE MEDIA-as-public-relations-machine was in full swing last week, abuzz over Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's p
Eli Broad: It's 'News To Me' I'm Buying The LA Times
Eli Broad: It's 'News To Me' I'm Buying The LA Times: Eli Broad: It's 'News To Me' I'm Buying The LA TimesThe billionaire philanthropist addressed a rumor started by News Corp co-chairman Rupert Murdoch.Tribune Publishing is not selling off the Los Angeles Times, and Eli Broad is not in talks to buy it, the billionaire philanthropist told PBS Tuesday.Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, co-chairman of News
Cortines calls on warring factions to work together on behalf of L.A. students - LA Times
Cortines calls on warring factions to work together on behalf of L.A. students - LA Times: Cortines criticizes Broad, calls on warring factions to work together for L.A. studentsLAUSD Supt. Ramon C. Cortines, right, in conversation Wednesday with L.A. Times columnist Steve Lopez in the Chandler Auditorium at the Los Angeles Times. (Ricardo DeAratanha / Los Angeles Times) his first public criticism
CURMUDGUCATION: NEPC: How Charter$ Ca$h In: NEPC: How Charter$ Ca$h InToday the National Education Policy Center released a new report, "The Business of Charter Schooling: Understanding the Policies That Charter Operators Use for Financial Benefit." In other words, what policies are helping charter operators cash in, and how?The report, by Bruce Baker (Rutgers University) and Gary Miron
Wasting No Time: Obama to Sign ESSA into Law on December 10, 2015. | deutsch29
Wasting No Time: Obama to Sign ESSA into Law on December 10, 2015. | deutsch29: Wasting No Time: Obama to Sign ESSA into Law on December 10, 2015.On November 30, 2015, the public first saw the 1,061-page final draft of the next Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization, now named the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).On December 02, 2015, the House passed ESSA by a vote of 359-
S.1177: Student Success Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
S.1177: Student Success Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress: S.1177 - Student Success ActAn original bill to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to ensure that every child achieves.view all titles (8)OverviewActions & VotesNews (0) & Blogs (0)Bill’s ViewsToday:45Past Seven Days:261All-Time:1,278 Introduced SenatePassed HousePasses PresidentSigns 04/30/15 07/16/15
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 12/9/15
CORPORATE ED REFORM On ESSA and Party Crashing | Save Maine SchoolsOn ESSA and Party Crashing | Save Maine Schools: On ESSA and Party CrashingI Can’t help but think of good ol’ Tom Vander Ark tonight.Back in 2010, Vander Ark wrote the following in a blog post on why he believed, at the time, that the reauthorization of ESEA should hold off just a few more years: “The world will be different a year