‘Snyder Flu’ Continues As Detroit Students, Teachers Protest Plan For Charter Schools

DETROIT (WWJ) – A handful of Detroit schools have closed this week due to what has been called ‘Snyder Flu’ and Thursday was no different.
A plan in Lansing supported by Gov. Rick Snyder would turn dozens of schools in the city into charter schools in exchange for millions of dollars to cover a portion of the district’s debt.
A small group made up of students and a few teachers on Cass near Mac Avenue gathered in protest — the group obviously against a legislative plan to turn dozens of Detroit public schools into charter schools.
Protestors gathered across the street from Det DSA to rally against proposed changes by gov Snyder. @WWJ950 pic.twitter.com/zMIWhHhDLE— Stephanie Davis (@sdaviswwj) December 10, 2015
Cass Tech teacher and activist Steve Conn, who was leading the protest, says the sick-out is just a start of things to come.
“The fight is going to continue until victory because we have had enough of 16 years of dismantling education – the future of the city is the future of public education,” says Conn. “Snyder has to back off and give us our money without charter strings attached – give us the money back that they stole. We’re going to continue to fight, we’re going to continue to strike. Every student, every teacher, every parent is going to be on our side.”
Conn called on parents to help the movement for equality of education.‘Snyder Flu’ Continues As Detroit Students, Teachers Protest Plan For Charter Schools « CBS Detroit: