Blame the Victim – America’s Favorite Pastime

I watched a little girl at school refuse to get out of her seat and get pounded by the police.
I watched a teenager in his car try to zoom away from a cop and get shot deadthrough the driver’s side window.
I watched all of these things and more from the safety of my cell phone. I wasn’t there in person, but I felt like I was.
And I am not alone.
It seems these two events were on everyone’s lips yesterday.
This is one of the fruits of self surveillance – the selfie, the dashcam, the youtube video. Events that would have been shrouded in the haze of he-said-she said are now public domain. The shadowy corners and back alleys are now just as flooded with spotlights as the most crowded theater on Broadway.
In some ways, that’s a really good thing. So many events that only a decade ago would have been hidden forever are now open to public view.
You’d think that would solve a lot of our society’s problems. No more secrets. No more lies. Just objective facts. THIS is what happened. No denying it. We’ll need Blame the Victim – America’s Favorite Pastime | gadflyonthewallblog: