Common Core: The Snickers Bar of Education – @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER:
by Chalk Face, PhD
Interesting, via Fragmentalist. Filed under: CHALK FACE: General News & Commentary Tagged: fragmentalist, free childrens story, story of a piece of paper
by Kris Nielsen
Diane Ravitch, not too long ago, wrote a blog post about her stance regarding the Common Core State Standards, basically suggesting that she could not support them because of their lack of evidence of effectiveness. I also don’t support the Common Core for that reason, but I’m not “agnostic” about them. I have seen more evidence over the past few months than is needed to support my original idea that the Common Core State Standards make up the foundation of the drive for corporate education reform. Sitting atop that foundation: Race to the Top creates the funding and the law, high-stakes testing is an industry unto itself, and that testing lends data to the collection systems that are currently attempting to lead our kids into preset futures.
We can get our leaders to ease up on the testing and we can get laws passed that keep our kids’ privacy intact. But, it’s a sure thing that those measures will be temporary, as the corporate “reformers” will always seek to rebuild a new structure on top of the CCSS foundation–billionaires seeking profit don’t give up easily. The foundation has to be removed (or weakened to the point of
by Chris Cerrone
Here is a letter to NYSED Commissioner King from Western New York educator Ronald Tonelli Jr. I have seen a few of these “Dear John” letters recently and anticipate more as educators and parents question the policies of the New York State Education Department. _______________________________________________________ Dear Commissioner King: Being an educator, I have always been [...]
by Timothy D. Slekar
@the chalkface has already exposed the bullying tactics used by Douglas County School District to force teacher Brian White to find a job teaching for true educators that have a deep understanding of teaching and learning and a respect for children and families. Brian was an outspoken critic of the reformy crap being heaped on [...]