Cyber Security News
From Tech Crunch (bold mine):
*On January 7, at 11:10 p.m. in Dubai, Romy Backus received an email from
education technology giant PowerSchool notifying ...
1 hour ago
A rally to support Irma Cobian, principal of Weigand Avenue Elementary School, who was recently ousted under the parent trigger law, provoked confrontation between her supporters and opponents.(May 30, 2013) |
Legislative session ends. Senate Bill 1920 House Amendment 2 failed. CPS “budget crisis” looming.
1. For now, no cuts to pension benefits have passed the legislature. We may see a special session this summer where they will try again.
2. CPS has a $600 million pension payment to make; but the legislature authorized no additional revenues to help CPS make this payment.
3. Undoubtedly, CPS will claim a serious budget crisis.
The mayor has demonstrated a lack of leadership and his appointed Board of Education has done a miserable job governing the district. They have closed 50 elementary schools without a plan and now they will have to deal with a looming budget issue. But rather than finding additional revenue, the mayor pushed through spending for the DePaul basketball arena, millions for Navy Pier