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Monday, November 21, 2011

Tears of joy, sadness and frustration at Juan Morel Campos Secondary School (I.S. 71) « EdVox

Tears of joy, sadness and frustration at Juan Morel Campos Secondary School (I.S. 71) « EdVox:

Tears of joy, sadness and frustration at Juan Morel Campos Secondary School (I.S. 71)

Close to 300 parents, students, teachers, alumni and elected officials gathered at Juan Morel Campos Secondary School (JMCSS) on Wednesday, November 16 for an early engagement meeting to discuss the potential closure of the school. Juan Morel Campos Secondary School, in particular the high school portion, is being targeted for obtaining C’s in their Progress Reports for the last three years. In the past several years, the school has seen an increase in high-need students such as English language learners, students with special needs and the homeless population. The school has also lost more than 1 million due to budget reductions during these three years.

The night began and ended with students and parents speaking out in support of their school while