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Thursday, October 6, 2011

School Tech Connect: Dick Ingram's TRS Presentation In Crystal Lake

School Tech Connect: Dick Ingram's TRS Presentation In Crystal Lake:

Dick Ingram's TRS Presentation In Crystal Lake

Had a very nice time out in Crystal Lake, which has a downtown straight out of Central Casting. I was ravenous after the train ride, so I stopped in at Cafe Olympic for the finest BLT and fries in the known universe. If I lived in Crystal Lake, I'd eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner there.

Dick Ingram, Executive Director of the Illinois Teacher Retirement System, is an impressive fellow. Here's a guy running a $37B pension fund--- he could probably call up the finance ministers of Europe, who would take his calls, and weigh in on the whole Greek debt debacle--- and yet he bothers to go around the state talking to the everyday people whose lives are in his hands, including little old me, with my interrupted years of service and my