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Big Education Ape: 10-1-11 AM Some Folks Will Just Never Accept Charters EDition - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:Published by Coopmike48 – 6 news spotters todayNext update in about 9 hoursSee all articlesHEADLINESEDUCATIONSOCIETYPOLITICSBUSINESSWORLDART & ENTERTAINMENT#EDU#TEACH...
Dictionary of Education Reform - Bad Teacher Most bigotry relies on a tiny grain of truth to justify sweeping generalization. Such is the case with the “bad teacher” myth. In any profession there are incompetent and irresponsible people who m...
Occupy Wall Street Welcomes NYC Transit Union, Millionaire Russell Simmons: Gothamist - The Occupy Wall Street protesters have had support from assorted celebrities and intellectuals over the course of the past two weeks, from the likes of Cornell West, Susan Sarandon, Tom Morello and... : Ala. Hispanic students vanish - Ala. Hispanic students vanish By Jay Reeves Associated Press BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Hispanic students have started vanishing from Alabama public schools after a court ruling that upheld the state's tou...
Congressman Jack Kimble on Empowering Parents Through Quality Charter Schools Act The New Target for Greedy Teachers? Baseball Meet Tim Graye--Our Newest Transformation Academy Associate Extending School Day is The Answer to All Our Problems New York - Earlier today, I came off the campaign trail to sign important providing education choice for millions of parents across the country. Charter schools are the wave of the future in this country by ...
Reflections on a Visit to Germany - I am a secular Jew. I don't belong to a synagogue. I seldom attend religious services, yet I feel Jewish. I understood what Daniel Pearl said before he died. Being Jewish is part of my identity, no...
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EducationSee all
“Stay out of our business,” chief IEA lobbyist tells members. « Fred Klonsky's blog - A week ago I pointed out that following a weekend of table-sitting by the IEA leadership on the pension bill, IEA’s chief lobbyist Jim Reed recorded a video message to members telling us to basical...
A Push to Improve Teachers' Colleges - The Obama administration announced a new $185 million competition Friday that would reward colleges for producing teachers whose students perform well on standardized tests. The competition would r...
Critical voices needed in charter school debate - Another review that didn't receive the attention it deserved was Tina Trujillo's review of CAP's: Charting New Territory: Tapping Charter Schools to Turn Around the Nation's Dropout Factories. Whi...
SocietySee all
Let’s Stop Rewarding Failure - Léo Apotheker’s short, turbulent reign as the chief executive of Hewlett-Packard was by nearly all accounts a disaster. The board demanded his resignation, and if ever there was a case for firing s...
Scott Walker’s Shallow Plan to Abuse “Special Session” Rules | - Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced earlier this week that he is convening a special session of the state legislature. The session has been described by certain government officials and by ma...
Troy Davis mourned as a martyr by 1,000 in Ga. - SAVANNAH, Ga. — Sent to death row 20 years ago as a convicted cop killer, Troy Davis was celebrated as "martyr and foot soldier" Saturday by more than 1,000 people who packed the pews at his funera...
StoriesSee all
Occupy Movement 10/01/11-Protesters Overtake Brooklyn Bridge, Halted, Arrested-Recorded call to Arthur on Bridge | - These are tweets and facebook updates from Arthur and Jenna, Wisconsinites on Wall Street. Arthur of SSWIDTMS: -Marching over the Brooklyn bridge. Some marchers are trying to take the street. -They...
“Write On!” Why I Love Kidblog! - A friend of mine was observed the other day. Her students were creating mini-books about the selection they read in the anthology. Little stapled books, a square for the picture, and lines for the...
Enter to Win $7,500 To Create Your Ultimate School Lounge! - Enter to Win $7,500 To Create Your Ultimate School Lounge!:California Casualty has been providing exclusive auto and home insurance benefits to education professionals like you for over 60 years. W...
PoliticsSee all
Liberal PAC endorses progressive candidates because “Electing Democrats is not enough” – CNN Political Ticker - Liberal PAC endorses progressive candidates because "Electing Democrats is not enough"Washington (CNN) – The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a leading liberal political action group, on Frid...
Mayor Bloomberg, partner diagnose what's wrong with America: You - Michael Bloomberg - “The protesters are protesting against people who make $40-50,000 a year and are struggling to make ends meet. That’s the bottom line,” Bloomberg said, presumably meaning service workers on Wall St...
10 Reasons Why Immigration Reform Is Important Our Fiscal Health - Published at 2:07 pm, October 1, 2011 Photo Credits: Dollars All eyes in Washington these days are on the new congressional super committee. The 12 members from both parties in both chambers of Con...
WorldSee all
Dozens arrested at Occupy Wall Street protest; Brooklyn Bridge shut down - Brian Smith for News Demonstrators from Occupy Wall Street rally were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge. Dozens of Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested Saturday as they marched in the car lane...
Live Video: Police Arresting Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge - October 1, 2011, 4:29 pm By COLIN MOYNIHANAfter allowing marchers from the Occupy Wall Street protests to claim the Brooklyn-bound car lanes of the Brooklyn Bridge and get partway across, the polic...
Over 10,000 soldiers have deserted Syria army, says high-ranking defector - Source: Reuters, DPAColonel Riad Assaad, a high-ranking defector from the Syrian military, told Reuters on Friday that more than 10,000 soldiers have deserted the Syrian army and defectors are atta...
BusinessSee all
live streaming video powered by Livestream - This channel will feature live streams from global non violent revolution spreading across the globe, with the first broadcasts from Wall Street Occupation in NYC that will start on Saturday, Septe...
If you’re disgusted with the big banks, this is the best email you will read in a long time - Breaking news! Kamala Harris, California’s Attorney General, has rejected the bogus 50 state settlement pushed by the big banks. Without California, the entire effort to lure the 50 Attorneys Gene...
#eduRead this paperSee all
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Classroom Reflections on Week 4 - Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Classroom Reflections on Week 4:Classroom Reflections on Week 4by alicemercerMy classroom is still a work in work in progress, but many of my practices have...
Peg with Pen: America's Got Talent? Not Under the Corporate Education Reform Model - Peg with Pen: America's Got Talent? Not Under the Corporate Education Reform Model:America's Got Talent? Not Under the Corporate Education Reform Modelby PeggyThis past week I watched Education Nat...
Senators - VOTE NO on H.R. 2218 - Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act - Beta:Sign this petition'Senators - VOTE NO on H.R. 2218 - Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools ActBy Susan DuFresne (Contact)To be delivered to: The United States SenateDea...
#edreformRead this paperSee all
School Tech Connect: Sadly, No - Hate to harp on this, but it does seem to be a requirement that no matter who is president, his or her secretary of education has to believe in things that simply aren't true. People have these lit...
Nobody Told Me #edreform - Three, fourEverybody's talking and no one says a wordEverybody's making love and no one really caresThere's Nazis in the bathroom just below the stairsAlways something happening and nothing going o...
Last Week's Best Posts on Big Education Ape » PostRank #EDREFORM #EDCHAT #sosmarch #p2 #1u - Last Week's Best Posts on Big Education Ape » PostRank Hide9.8 Shanker Blog » For Many Teachers, Reform Means Higher Risk, Lower Rewards 2011-Sep-29 Shanker Blo...