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Entire East Coast Should Prepare
blog.fema.gov - Posted by: Public Affairs Hurricane Irene is currently making a turn along the East Coast, and forecasts from the National Hurricane Center project the storm could affect an area from Florida to Ma...
It’s time for teachers unions to lead
blogs.reuters.com - By Jennifer JenningsThe opinions expressed are her own. Reuters invited leading educators to reply to Steven Brill’s op-ed on the school reform deniers. We will be publishing the responses here. Be...
Class Warfare: Fact Checking Pages 351 to 400
garyrubinstein.teachforus.org - Page 351: A school administrator said about Weingarten’s criticism of TFA “she’d be glad to get as many of its recruits as she could.” I have a friend who is a TFA alum and a principal and over t...
State Seeks Data on Pay of Leaders at Nonprofits
nytimes.com - A New York State task force on Thursday began sending letters to hundreds of nonprofit organizations that receive state money demanding details about how much they pay their executives and board me...
Dr. King Weeps From His Grave
nytimes.com - Princeton, N.J. THE Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial was to be dedicated on the National Mall on Sunday — exactly 56 years after the murder of Emmett Till in Mississippi and 48 years aft...
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coopmike48 Read Seriously Ask ARNE#AskArne ▸ today's top stories via @alexanderbaack @jmlpetersen@nancyflanagan ▸ http://t.co/o691bPW57 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite
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EducationSee all
Online Public Schools | K12
k12.com - Why "online" with K¹² is totally on the mark for so many families.Kindergarten through 12th grade students in most states are enrolled in online public schools or "virtual schools" that partner wit...
Richard D. Kahlenberg Reviews Terry Moe's "Special Interest"
tnr.com - TERRY MOE MADE his name in the early 1990s when, with John Chubb, he co-authored a much-discussed book arguing for a system of publicly-funded private school vouchers. The central thesis of Politic...
One size fits most
educationgadfly.net - If you step back from day to day vitriol that characterizes the current education-policy “debate,” and glimpse the larger picture, two worldviews on education reform emerge. One, articulated by the...
SocietySee all
Workers March For Bump In Minimum Wage
progressillinois.com - Frustrated low-wage workers and their supporters will take to Michigan Ave. this morning to call for an increase to the minimum wage. The march is sponsored by Raise Illinois, an organization compo...
Commentary: Did Molly Ivins say that about Rick Perry?
kansascity.com - Molly IvinsCompiled by the Sacramento BeeEditor's note: Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced last Saturday that he is running for the Republican presidential nomination. Here are excerpts of columns fro...
A long, tumultuous final act
thenotebook.org - The School Reform Commission and Superintendent Arlene Ackerman had “mutually” agreed in principle almost two months ago that she would leave the District, according to Mayor Michael Nutter. Nutter...
PoliticsSee all
Rick Perry Sought State Profits From Teacher Life Insurance Scheme
huffingtonpost.com - WASHINGTON -- Two weeks before Thanksgiving in 2003, top officials from Texas Governor Rick Perry's office pitched an unusual offer to the state's retired teachers: Let's get into the death busines...
Jerry Brown unveils his job creation plan
sfgate.com - (08-25) 14:07 PDT Sacramento -- Gov. Jerry Brown wants to spur job creation in California by giving tax breaks to businesses that buy new manufacturing equipment and to small firms that hire new em...
WI jobless protest at all 4 of Ryan's offices
teamsternation.blogspot.com - Ryan's Mobile Constituent Office (the RV) in Lake GenevaPremium wine enthusiast Paul Ryan's unemployed constituents have taken their protest from Kenosha and Racine to Janesville and Lake Geneva. W...
StoriesSee all
Poverty, Access To Books, and Success In Life--- Stephen Krashen with TFT
schooltechconnect.com - Krashen, excellent as always. In this particular interview he goes in-depth into the relationship between access to books and academic success. I always like listening to this guy because he's got...
A Short-Lived Test, Even With Coaching
nytimes.com - The first question on the screening test for an online class I signed up for was not a hard one, but my most recent exposure to math had been in high school decades before, and I didn’t remember ho...
Oops! I Forgot To Include Link To My Ed Week Teacher Blog
larryferlazzo.edublogs.org - Aug 25 2011 Larry FerlazzoA little while ago I published a post inviting readers to contribute an answer to my Ed Week Teacher blog’s question of the week. However, I forgot to include a link to th...
EnvironmentSee all
Gulf of Mexico Bubbling Oil Again at Deepwater Disaster
democraticunderground.com - Source: RSOE EDIS"Oil is again bubbling to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico near the epicenter of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. Reporters from Mobile, Alabamas Press-Register loaded into a...
Hurricane Irene: Current Status and Forecast
hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - Published at 9:55 am, August 25, 2011 Photo Credits: Hurricane Irene Hurricane Irene, a large, powerful Category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale, continues to plow through th...
Green Scissors Coalition Identifies Hundreds of Billions in Wasteful Subsidies
news.firedoglake.com - The next couple months will be consumed with discussion about the Catfood Commission II, and their efforts to reach a $1.5 trillion or higher deficit package. This will frustrate any attempt to piv...
Art & EntertainmentSee all
'No regrets' about waterboarding suspects
google.com - Cheney: 'No regrets' about waterboarding suspects (AP) – 14 hours ago WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Vice President Dick Cheney says he has "no regrets" about the harsh interrogation policies the Bush ad...
Pa. school district backs off on skinny jeans ban
denverpost.com - CATASAUQUA, Pa.—Students in a Pennsylvania school district have gotten approval to remain fashion forward. The Morning Call of Allentown reports that Catasauqua (cat-uh-SOCK'-wuh) Area School Distr...
Archived Wednesday speeches from Democracy Convention: Ben Manski, Tom Hayden, Paul Soglin, Cheri Honkala |
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Archived Wednesday speeches from Democracy Convention: Ben Manski, Tom Hayden, Paul Soglin, Cheri Honkala |: Archived Wednesday speeches from Democracy Convention: Ben Manski, Tom Hayden, Paul Sogl...
#ireneSee all
Big Education Ape: 8-25-11 PM #IRENE (not a Principal or a Teacher) Entire East Coast Should Prepare EDition
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now: Big Education Ape: Ed News NowPublished by Coopmike48 – 6 news spotters todayNext update in about 11 hoursSee all articlesHEADLINESEDUCATIONSOCIETYPOLITICSSTORIESENV...
#edreformRead this paperSee all
Poverty, Access To Books, and Success In Life--- Stephen Krashen with TFT
schooltechconnect.com - Krashen, excellent as always. In this particular interview he goes in-depth into the relationship between access to books and academic success. I always like listening to this guy because he's got...