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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

School Tech Connect: Regarding The Goose and Gander, Again

School Tech Connect: Regarding The Goose and Gander, Again

Regarding The Goose and Gander, Again

And I'm back. Thanks to Mike Cooper and Chris Janotta for allowing me to embed their awesome content. Truth be told, I didn't even ask. I just take and take and take.

Let's get back to Rahm Emanuel, who could pretty much get away with bullying reporters if not for the likes of Mary Ann Ahern, who recently had the brass to bring up the great taboo subject, which is the fact that the mayor is sending his own kids to a fabulous independent school.

This story has been covered well, and there's a little bit of a Mexican standoff going on here: Rahm is maintaining that it's nobody's business, and the rest of the city of course realizes it's just weird how all of these ed reformers choose schools that completely reject all of the basic architecture of the so-called reform movement. Rahm's going to continue to storm out of