Update | Oof. This thing’s going viral. Welcome, everyone, and if you’d like to follow me on Twitter or Facebook, feel free. Also, be sure to check back later — I’ll have another post up soon showing that unionized teachers do appear to increase student test scores, and that Wisconsin’s outcomes are better than the non-union states, just not by as much as was claimed in the tweet.

There’s a tweet circulating widely that says that Wisconsin ranks second in the nation in its students’ SAT/ACT scores, while five states that bar teachers from participating in collective bargaining all rank near the bottom of the pile. Here are a few examples:

@WisDems Only 5 states don’t have collective bargaining for educators. Their ACT/SAT rankings: SC-50th/NC-49th/GA-48th/TX-47th/VA-44th.

@PTraeder: 5 states have no collective bargaining & deemed it illegal. States & Their ranking on ACT/SAT scores: VA-44 TX-47 GA-48 NC-49 SC-50 #wiunion

@trek: 5 states forbid collective bargaining for educators: SC, NC, GA, TX, & VA. Their national rank in ACT scores: 50th, 49th, 48th, 47th, 44th.

The information presented here on which states bar collective bargaining in