AM News: Edujobs Stalled, USDE Rules Delayed
Aid to states, the jobless faces Senate hurdles AP: A bill providing jobless benefits and tens of billions of dollars in new aid for states and Medicare payments for doctors hangs by a thread in Congress despite lingering worries of another recession without it... Jobs-Bill Backers Searching For Strategy to Win Passage EdWeek: Supporters of a federal education jobs bill were still searching for a legislative vehicle late last week...
Education" href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(34, 68, 187); ">Education Dept. Delays Rules on For-Profit Colleges NYT: The Education Department split off a decision on the treatment of for-profit college programs whose graduates do not earn enough to repay their loans... White House Proposes Tighter Rules for Recruiting Students WSJ: The rules, slated to take effect July 2011, would apply to the more than 600 colleges and universities supported by federal student aid. But some of the regulations take aim directly at for-profit higher education, a growing sector that federal officials want to rein in...Some for-profit schools face tougher recruiting restrictions under Obama planWashington Post: The Obama administration proposed to tighten oversight of the booming for-profit sector of higher education on Tuesday, with rules that aim to curtail aggressive recruiting practices and that require schools to disclose graduation and job-placement rates to prospective students...