Oregon serious about trying to win Race to the Top federal education money Oregon Education - OregonLive.com:
"Gov. Ted Kulongoski and Oregon schools superintendent Susan Castillo made their first formal joint pronouncement today that Oregon is going to mount a serious effort to win part of the $4 billion in 'Race to the Top' money that U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan plans to award next spring.
Their announcement included naming the 22 people, mostly educators and education advocates, who are the 'design team' for Oregon's bid for the money. They also unveiled a web site where the public can learn more about the Race to the Top and Oregon's plans to try to win."
"Gov. Ted Kulongoski and Oregon schools superintendent Susan Castillo made their first formal joint pronouncement today that Oregon is going to mount a serious effort to win part of the $4 billion in 'Race to the Top' money that U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan plans to award next spring.
Their announcement included naming the 22 people, mostly educators and education advocates, who are the 'design team' for Oregon's bid for the money. They also unveiled a web site where the public can learn more about the Race to the Top and Oregon's plans to try to win."