A good education starts at home thestarpress.com The Star Press:
"Parents, always remember that you are your children's' first and most important teachers. Most of what your children will ever learn, they learn from you before they ever start school. Even during the school week, three-fourths of every day -- and all of their weekends, holidays and vacations -- they spend in your care. The habits, attitudes and interests you teach -- and more importantly, model -- will always be the foundation of their sense of who they are, should be and can be.
Get to know, cooperate with and support your children's teachers. They have your children's welfare and learning at heart. They are dedicated professionals -- they didn't become teachers to get rich or even to get by. Of course they are only human; like you, they get tired and frustrated, they make mistakes, they have lives of their own with personal problems.
And they have not only yours, but whole classrooms full of other peoples' children, to handle. But together, you and they are your children's educational team, and educating children is a team sport. You can win only by team playing, and your score is what your children achieve. Treat your children's' teachers as you yourself would like to be treated."
"Parents, always remember that you are your children's' first and most important teachers. Most of what your children will ever learn, they learn from you before they ever start school. Even during the school week, three-fourths of every day -- and all of their weekends, holidays and vacations -- they spend in your care. The habits, attitudes and interests you teach -- and more importantly, model -- will always be the foundation of their sense of who they are, should be and can be.
Get to know, cooperate with and support your children's teachers. They have your children's welfare and learning at heart. They are dedicated professionals -- they didn't become teachers to get rich or even to get by. Of course they are only human; like you, they get tired and frustrated, they make mistakes, they have lives of their own with personal problems.
And they have not only yours, but whole classrooms full of other peoples' children, to handle. But together, you and they are your children's educational team, and educating children is a team sport. You can win only by team playing, and your score is what your children achieve. Treat your children's' teachers as you yourself would like to be treated."