Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, September 11, 2023





In a move that has left many Florida educators feeling like they don't know whether to "shit or go blind," Governor Ron DeSantis has announced a slew of new MAGA-inspired rules that are leaving teachers scratching their heads. But the ACLU is fighting back, with a lawsuit aimed at protecting free speech in the classroom.

The new rules, which have been added to the Principles of Professional Conduct, are leaving many teachers feeling like they're walking on eggshells. From prohibitions on discussing systemic racism to tough penalties for violations, it's clear that DeSantis is taking a page out of Trump's playbook when it comes to cracking down on free speech.

But the ACLU isn't taking this lying down. In a lawsuit filed against Florida's "Individual Freedom Act," the organization is fighting to protect the rights of teachers and students alike. And they're not alone. Educators across the state are speaking out against the new rules, with many saying that they're having a chilling effect on classroom discussions.

Dr. Dana Thompson Dorsey, an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of South Florida in Tampa, is one of those educators. She says that the new law distorts history by limiting what can and cannot be taught. "We can't just sweep issues like systemic racism under the rug," she says. "We need to have open and honest discussions about these topics if we're ever going to make progress."

Student activist Johana Dauphin agrees. She believes that school should be a place where students are encouraged to question their beliefs and explore diverse ideas. "If we're not allowed to discuss these issues in the classroom, where are we supposed to do it?" she asks.

But despite the pushback from educators and activists, DeSantis seems determined to continue down this path. In fact, he's even gone so far as to say that he can "out stupid" Trump when it comes to MAGA laws. It's a statement that has left many wondering just how far he's willing to go.

So what does this all mean for Florida's teachers and students? Well, for now, it means that they'll have to tread carefully when it comes to discussing certain topics in the classroom. But with the ACLU fighting back and educators speaking out, there's hope that free speech will ultimately prevail. As for DeSantis? Well, let's just say that he might want to think twice before trying to outdo Trump in the stupidity department.

Florida teachers face stiffer sanctions over classroom restrictions 

Protecting Free Speech and the Right to Learn in Florida | ACLU