Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, August 28, 2023



The US presidential election is heating up and it seems like everyone has an opinion on who should take the top seat in the country. But one voice that has been particularly loud is that of Brother Bernie Sanders, who has urged progressive voters to unite behind Joe Biden in order to prevent another term of Donald Trump. And in true Bernie style, he didn't mince his words - he said "back Biden or bite me". 

Now, we're not sure if Brother Bernie has a biting fetish or if he just really wants people to vote for Biden, but either way, we can't help but laugh at his witty remark. And let's be honest, anything that can make us laugh during this stressful time is a welcome relief. 

But let's get serious for a moment - Bernie's endorsement of Biden is an important one. He argues that Trump is a "very, very dangerous person" who doesn't believe in democracy and is an authoritarian. And we have to agree with him on this one - Trump's track record speaks for itself. From his constant attacks on the media to his blatant disregard for human rights, it's clear that he's not fit to lead a country. 

But it's not just Trump that's in the running - there are other candidates too. Democrat Robert F Kennedy Jr and Marianne Williamson are both running long-shot primary campaigns, and third-party progressive candidate Cornel West is also in the race. But let's be real here - none of these candidates stand a chance against Biden. 

And why is that? Well, for starters, Biden has the backing of Brother Bernie himself. But more importantly, he has the experience and the policies that America needs right now. Sanders has stated that he would push Biden to tackle "corporate greed and the massive levels of income and wealth inequality" in the US, and we couldn't agree more. 

So if you're still on the fence about who to vote for in the upcoming election, take Brother Bernie's advice and back Biden. And if you don't, well, you might just have to bite him - but we wouldn't recommend it. After all, he's a pretty tough cookie to crack. 

In conclusion, the US presidential election may be a serious matter, but that doesn't mean we can't inject a little humor into it. Brother Bernie's quip about backing Biden or biting him is just the kind of light-hearted remark we need right now. So let's all unite behind Biden and make sure that Trump doesn't get another term in office. And if anyone asks why we're voting for him, we can just say "Brother Bernie told us to".

Bernie Sanders urges left to back Biden to stop ‘very dangerous’ Trump 

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