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Monday, August 14, 2023



Are you tired of the same old boring classrooms? Do you want to spice things up and make learning more exciting? Well, have no fear because sensory rooms are here!

Sensory rooms are the latest craze in schools, and for good reason. They're specially designed spaces that cater to the sensory needs of students with disabilities or sensory processing disorders. But let's be real, even students without disabilities can benefit from a little sensory stimulation.

Picture this: you walk into a room filled with calming lights, soft textures, and soothing sounds. It's like a spa, but for your brain. You can swing in a hammock, cuddle up with a weighted blanket, or explore different textures with your hands and feet. It's like a playground, but for your senses.

So why are schools installing sensory rooms? Well, for starters, they can help students regulate their emotions. We all know how stressful school can be, but imagine how much harder it is for students with sensory processing disorders. Sensory rooms provide a safe and calming space for these students to retreat to when they start to feel overwhelmed. It's like a timeout, but without the punishment.

Sensory rooms can also help students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to focus their attention. The stimulating environment of a typical classroom can be difficult for students with ADHD to focus in. Sensory rooms provide a more calming and focused environment that can help these students to learn more effectively. It's like a secret hideout, but with educational benefits.

But wait, there's more! Sensory rooms can help students to reduce stress and develop their sensory skills. They can also be used for individual and group therapy, assessment, and creative expression. It's like a Swiss Army knife, but for education.

If you're considering creating a sensory room in your school, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, the room should be soundproofed and have dimmable lights. This will create a calm and relaxing environment. Second, the room should be filled with a variety of sensory materials, such as soft textures, calming lights, and soothing sounds. The specific materials you choose will depend on the needs of the students who will be using the room. And lastly, the room should be supervised by a trained staff member. This will ensure that students are safe and that they are using the room appropriately.

Sensory rooms can be a valuable resource for schools, providing students with a safe and calming space to relax, focus, and de-stress. Plus, they're just plain fun. Who wouldn't want to swing in a hammock during class? So go ahead, create a sensory room in your school. Your students (and their senses) will thank you.

Los Lunas schools sensory rooms 


Sensory rooms are becoming increasingly common in schools, as educators recognize the benefits they can offer to students with sensory processing disorders (SPD) and other disabilities. Sensory rooms are specially designed spaces that provide a variety of sensory experiences, such as calming lights, soft textures, and soothing sounds. They can be used to help students regulate their emotions, focus their attention, and reduce stress.

Here are some of the benefits of sensory rooms in schools:

  • * **They can help students with SPD and other disabilities to better regulate their emotions.** Sensory overload is a common problem for people with SPD, and it can lead to anxiety, anger, and other behavioral problems. Sensory rooms can provide a safe and calming space for these students to retreat to when they start to feel overwhelmed.
  • * **They can help students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to focus their attention.** The stimulating environment of a typical classroom can be difficult for students with ADHD to focus in. Sensory rooms can provide a more calming and focused environment that can help these students to learn more effectively.
  • * **They can help students to reduce stress.** The stresses of school can take a toll on all students, but they can be especially difficult for students with sensory processing disorders. Sensory rooms can provide a space for students to relax and de-stress, which can help them to better cope with the demands of school.
  • * **They can help students to develop their sensory skills.** Sensory rooms can provide a safe and supportive environment for students to explore their senses and learn how to regulate their sensory responses. This can help them to better interact with their environment and to participate more fully in school activities.

In addition to the benefits listed above, sensory rooms can also be used for a variety of other purposes, such as:

  • * **Individual and group therapy.** Sensory rooms can be used by therapists to help students with a variety of issues, such as anxiety, anger management, and social skills development.
  • * **Assessment.** Sensory rooms can be used to assess a student's sensory processing abilities and to develop individualized treatment plans.
  • * **Creative expression.** Sensory rooms can be used for creative expression, such as art, music, and dance. This can help students to relax and de-stress, and it can also help them to develop their creativity.

If you are considering creating a sensory room in your school, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  • * **The room should be soundproofed and have dimmable lights.** This will create a calm and relaxing environment.
  • * **The room should be filled with a variety of sensory materials, such as soft textures, calming lights, and soothing sounds.** The specific materials you choose will depend on the needs of the students who will be using the room.
  • * **The room should be supervised by a trained staff member.** This will ensure that students are safe and that they are using the room appropriately.
  • Sensory rooms can be a valuable resource for schools, providing students with a safe and calming space to relax, focus, and de-stress. If you are considering creating a sensory room in your school, I encourage you to do so. It is an investment that will pay off in the long run.

Sensory rooms are specially designed environments that cater to the sensory needs of students, especially those with autism, sensory processing disorders, or other special needs. They provide a safe and therapeutic space for students to calm, regroup, and refocus themselves so they can be better prepared for learning and interacting with others. Sensory rooms can have various types of equipment and materials that stimulate or soothe different senses, such as sight, sound, touch, smell, and movement. Some examples of sensory room items are:

  • - Swings, hammocks, or rocking chairs that provide vestibular input and help with balance and coordination.
  • - Bean bags, pillows, or weighted blankets that provide proprioceptive input and help with body awareness and relaxation.
  • - Lights, projectors, or lava lamps that create visual effects and help with attention and mood.
  • - Music, white noise, or nature sounds that create auditory stimulation and help with calming and concentration.
  • - Textured mats, rugs, or balls that provide tactile input and help with sensory exploration and discrimination.
  • - Aromatherapy diffusers, scented candles, or oils that provide olfactory input and help with emotion regulation and memory.

Sensory rooms can have many benefits for students in schools, such as:

  • - Calming effects: Sensory rooms can help students who are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or agitated to calm down and regulate their emotions. They can also help students who are feeling sleepy or bored to wake up and energize themselves.
  • - Stimulation: Sensory rooms can help students who are seeking sensory input to satisfy their sensory needs and preferences. They can also help students who are avoiding sensory input to gradually expose themselves to different sensations and increase their sensory tolerance.
  • - Socialization: Sensory rooms can help students who have difficulties with social skills to interact with others in a safe and fun environment. They can also help students who have difficulties with communication to express themselves through non-verbal cues and gestures.
  • - Improved focus: Sensory rooms can help students who have difficulties with attention and concentration to improve their focus and readiness for learning. They can also help students who have difficulties with memory and information processing to enhance their cognitive skills.
  • - Sensory-motor skills development: Sensory rooms can help students who have difficulties with motor skills to improve their coordination, strength, and flexibility. They can also help students who have difficulties with sensory integration to improve their sensory processing and modulation.

Sensory rooms can be set up in different ways depending on the needs, goals, and preferences of the students who use them. Some factors to consider when creating a sensory room are:

  • - Space: The size and shape of the room should be suitable for the number and type of equipment and materials that will be used. The room should also be well-ventilated, well-lit, and well-insulated from outside noise and distractions.
  • - Budget: The cost of setting up a sensory room can vary depending on the quality and quantity of the equipment and materials that will be used. Some ways to reduce the cost are to use existing resources, seek donations or grants, or make DIY items.
  • - Safety: The safety of the students and staff who use the sensory room should be a priority. The equipment and materials should be checked regularly for any damages or hazards. The room should also have clear rules and guidelines for use, supervision, and maintenance.

Sensory rooms are becoming more common in schools as they offer a valuable resource for supporting the sensory needs of students with special needs. They can also benefit all students by providing a space for relaxation, exploration, and learning. If you are interested in learning more about sensory rooms in schools, you can check out some of these resources:

  • - [30 Must-Try Sensory Room Ideas for Schools](^1^) by WeAreTeachers
  • - [Sensory Room 101](^2^) by Edutopia
  • - [Sensory Rooms: A School Guide](^3^) by Structural Learning
  • - [School Sensory Rooms - a Set Up Guide for Educators](^4^) by National Autism Resources

Bing, 8/14/2023

  • (1) 30 Must-Try Sensory Room Ideas for Schools - WeAreTeachers.
  • (2) Sensory Room 101 | Edutopia.
  • (3) Sensory Rooms: A School Guide - Structural Learning.
  • (4) School Sensory Rooms - a Set Up Guide for Educators.
  • (5) Benefits of Sensory Rooms & Spaces in Schools and Homes - Enabling Devices.
  • (6) Sensory Rooms: Benefits & How to Build One | ProCare Therapy.
  • (7) 6 Benefits of Sensory Rooms in Schools for Kids with Autism.