Let's talk about the issues, libraries.

I am going to do a series on the issues and I wanted to talk briefly about libraries.
For a district with a reading problem it did not make any sense to get rid of the libraries but we did we sure did.
This may have started under Pratt-Dannals but it really escalated under Vitti, but here is the thing, Vitti has been gone for going on 4 years now and libraries still have not made a come back.
Vitti was slick too, with a wink he said well I gave schools an option a test coordinator or a librarian but the fix was in because Vitti didn't appreciate libraries or librarians and I don't know if it was because he was dyslexic or he did some cost benefit ratio and decided schools needed another defacto administrator or something else but he decimated the librarian corp. This despite lots of evidence pointing to how valuable they are.
From Phi Delta Kappan,
Since 1992, a growing body of research known as the school library impact studies has consistently shown positive correlations between high-quality library programs and student achievement (Gretes, 2013; Scholastic, 2016). Data from more than 34 statewide studies suggest that students tend to earn better standardized test scores in schools that have strong library programs. Further, when administrators, teachers, and librarians themselves rated the importance and frequency of various library practices associated with CONTINUE READING: Mr G. for District 3 ----------------- Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Let's talk about the issues, libraries.