This Teacher Asks You to Just Please Give Her a Minute by Sera Deo
“Give us a minute.
“I spent today removing my personal belongings from my classroom. I’m not alone. This is being required in many districts right now. Chairs. Pillows. Lamps. Bookcases. Books. Nothing but desks and chairs remained. I left my empty classroom and cried all the way home.
“Give us a minute.
“Before you say that parents need to be able to work. That parents need a plan. That parents aren’t teachers. Remember. Most parents aren’t teachers, but most teachers ARE parents. We want what’s best for your kids and OUR kids, too. We are in this together.
“Give us a minute.
“Before you spew your negative personal experience with virtual learning from the spring. Think. Do you have any idea how hard we worked to make it the best it could possibly be? Do you have any idea how it feels to read your words?
“Give us a minute.
“Before you rattle off your ideas about what will work in the fall. Understand. For every idea you have, we know a student and a family who CONTINUE READING: glen brown: This Teacher Asks You to Just Please Give Her a Minute by Sera Deo