Have you ever had the opportunity to tell a professor what course you want to take? I am taking suggestions for a course in the new University of Kentucky College of Education’s Professional Learning Series that I will teach this summer online that will be open for anyone in the public to register.

When I came to Kentucky, I realized that our world-class faculty in higher education rarely have the opportunity to teach courses for the general public. We want to make that happen. We think it is a way to expand for Kentuckians and beyond to expand their knowledge about the currently education research and public debates. It could also level up your professional skills and maybe even upgrade your job performance. Or maybe you are wondering if you are Ph.D. material and want to test out your theory?
As a result, I am pleased to announce that the University of Kentucky’s College of Education is launching a new Professional Learning Series. We have many courses that are already available. Register by Saturday, May 30th to level up your skills from a selection of self-paced and LIVE workshops—all online this summer.
When you successfully complete a workshop, you earn a digital badge to add to your resume, email signature, LinkedIn or website to represent your new proficiency and marketability in the professional and public arena.
Our world-class faculty will cover topics in Health & Wellness, Teacher Enhancement, Education Policies, and Early Childhood Education. Designed to be enriching and affordable, the series draws on the expertise of faculty in a college ranked number one in Kentucky and among the top 30 public colleges of education in the nation by U.S. News and World Report.

Workshops in the series are for anyone who has a passion for lifelong learning. Topics offered this summer are ideal for pre-service or in-service teachers (PK-12 ), nonprofit educators, parents/guardians, community professionals, activists, and business leaders. Workshops in the series do not lead to college credit, but can build toward a micro-credential if you so choose.
While the launch is a few weeks away, I still have not decided what course I should teach. Send me ideas at COElearningseries@uky.edu and I’ll choose the course I will teach from the topics submitted or perhaps even teach an educational politics course that covers all of the topics that are submitted. The course that public asks for will be entered in the database in June and will start in July.
Explore workshop offerings and choose your path today. Register by Saturday, May 30, 2020. We look forward to having you join us. Questions about the Professional Learning Series? Contact Program Coordinator Mariama Lockington at COElearningseries@uky.edu
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I want YOU to enroll in my course. Help me choose the topic! | Cloaking Inequity