When this is over, what will education researchers want to study about the 2020 covid-19 crisis? Here are some answers.
Goodman is an applied microeconomist on labor economics and education policy, and his overarching goal is to provide rigorous quantitative evidence that illuminates how schools and labor markets work, particularly with respect to postsecondary and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education.
Here are just a few of the answers:
- With most schools in the country (and world) closed, how will those closures exacerbate existing learning inequalities?
- What are the socio-emotional outcomes for adolescents?
- Have attitudes about teachers and public schools changed?
Read through the discussion between Goodman and other researchers: CONTINUE READING: When this is over, what will education researchers want to study about the 2020 covid-19 crisis? Here’s some answers. - The Washington Post
UC Berkeley professor: How I’m teaching ‘Ethics in the Age of Trump’ course online during the coronavirus crisis - The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/04/12/uc-berkeley-professor-how-im-teaching-ethics-age-trump-course-online-during-coronavirus-crisis/
UC Berkeley professor: How I’m teaching ‘Ethics in the Age of Trump’ course online during the coronavirus crisis - The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/04/12/uc-berkeley-professor-how-im-teaching-ethics-age-trump-course-online-during-coronavirus-crisis/