CDE Currents: February 2020
The Monthly Newsletter for the California Department of Education.
- Be Prepared (Emergency Info)
- The Value of Art Education
- Stephanie Farland
- CDE Press Online Store
- Recognizing Exceptional Schools Event
- Innovating for Equity Summit
- Closing Achievement Gap Panel Discussion
Be Prepared (Emergency Info)

As the situation with the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) unfolds, the CDE would like to reinforce that LEA preparedness is essential for unforeseen circumstances and emergency situations. Many school districts have also recently experienced wildfires, Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) and violent campus incidents. Unfortunately, it’s not a question of “if” when considering such future incidents, but “when.”
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The CDE is monitoring the situation regarding the coronavirus and working closely with agency partners to determine best steps to be prepared.
Approximately two weeks ago CDE shared a guidance document from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
with all County and District Superintendents, Charter School Administrators, and School Principals. The CDE strongly encourages all LEAs to follow the CDPH’s recommendations in this document.

The CDE also encourages LEAs to identify plans and protocols for communicating with families and to think about learning supports that could be provided during school closure, if necessary. More information can be found on the CDE’s Crisis Response page.
Please note that there have been reports of students and others being stigmatized. We urge schools to ensure students’ and staffs’ privacy to help prevent discrimination.
The CDE will provide more information to LEAs as it becomes available.
School Safety Plans
All LEAs are required (EC 32280-32289) to have comprehensive school safety plans (CSSPs) revised, updated, and adopted by the school by March 1 and forwarded to the school district or county office of education for approval. If an LEA does not have an adopted CSSP, please do so as soon as possible.
It is critical that staff and students receive training related to the CSSP, and that each LEA maintains strong community partnerships with law enforcement, fire agencies, and first responders. School safety and preparedness resources, including a compliance tool, are available on the CDE Safe Schools Planning web page and the CDE Crisis Preparedness web page.
The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) provides valuable school safety and disaster preparedness resources and information that are available on the Cal OES for Schools and Educators web page
. The CDE encourages everyone to become familiar with these resources.
The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) provides valuable school safety and disaster preparedness resources and information that are available on the Cal OES for Schools and Educators web page

Violence Prevention/Active Shooter Preparation
The CDE will be sponsoring two statewide trainings provided by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance (REMS TA) Center. A training session, School Behavioral Threat Assessments: An Introduction, will be hosted by the Sacramento County Office of Education on March 16, 2020; register online here: REMS Training
. The second training date and location in Southern California will be announced at a later date.
Additional information on violence prevention, including a template message for parents/guardians regarding the safe storage of firearms, can be found on the CDE Violence Prevention resource page

Additional information on violence prevention, including a template message for parents/guardians regarding the safe storage of firearms, can be found on the CDE Violence Prevention resource page
Power Shutoffs
It’s expected more Public Safety Power Shutoffs are on the way for California’s schools in order to help prevent wildfires. The CDE has provided a list of school closure considerations for LEAs in the event of an unexpected power shutdown, natural disaster or other unforeseen circumstances. Health and safety is the priority, followed by issues of equity and instructional time. Additional information can be found on the CDE’s Public Safety Power Shutoff FAQs.
There are multiple resources available to help LEAs prepare for a wildfire incident. The CDE has a resource page containing information on what to do before, during, and after a wildfire. Also, check the CDE FAQ page for more detailed information on wildfire response and recovery.