When I was a little girl, I remember singing the song “This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let It Shine.”

At the end of Mayor-elect Lightfoot’s speech last Tuesday evening, she ended with a rememberance of a song.
I thought of the lyrics again yesterday afternoon following the decision by current alderman and chair of the Chicago City Council’s Finance Committee, Patrick O’Connor, to delay the Lincoln Yard’s TIF vote at least until tomorrow.
2nd Ward Alderman Brian Hopkins had insisted that the request by Mayor-elect Lightfoot and Mayor Rahm be ignored.
“I have the votes,” Hopkins said. His ward is where the awful Lincoln Yards is planned to be plopped, a walled city for the rich on the north side.
Hopkins is a bought and paid for tool of the Sterling Bay developers.
Maybe he did have the votes. Maybe he didn’t.
Maybe the vote will go ahead tomorrow, Wednesday.
Maybe it won’t.
City Hall was jammed with protesters. The Chicago Teachers Union is calling for CONTINUE READING: When I was a little girl, I remember singing the song “This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let It Shine.” – Fred Klonsky