We’ve Got Issues: How can you find out more about the issues you care about?
I’ve got issues. We all do.
For me, it’s all about public education. It’s what I’ve dedicated my professional life to, and I have pretty strong feelings about supporting public schools, teachers, and students, and protecting the institution of public education from attacks by persons like Michigan’s own Betsy DeVos.
Your issue may be affordable health care. Or making sure we all have clean drinking water. Or defending the rights of our friends in the LGBTQ community. Or making our government more transparent and responsive to the needs of our citizens, instead of bowing to pressures from special interest groups.
If you’re like me you’re always on the lookout for information about the things you care about–and may become frustrated at times with the lack of any sort of coverage on your issue from the mainstream media. Especially if you’re a Progressive.
And that’s where Eclectablog comes in!
Because we care about Progressive issues–and so do you! And Progressive issues tend to be the stuff that most of us actually care about. The things that impact our kids, our families, our friends, and our communities. Like well-supported schools, and health care, and clean water, and civil rights…for everyone.
But we need your help. To keep the lights on we come to you, our readers, four times a year–hat in hand, asking for your help in the form of a donation.
Here’s the good news! We make it as easy as possible for you to be a supporter by using the handy PayPal form at the top of the right sidebar to make a one-time donation in the amount of your choice. You can also go “old school” and send a check (which avoids PayPal taking out a percentage of your donation) to Chris Savage, P.O. Box 32, Dexter, MI 48130. Just make the check payable to “Eclectablog”.
And if you really want to make a statement about your support for your issue, you can do so by making a monthly donation–just enter the amount below:
And, as always, thank you for your ongoing support. It means a lot.
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