Michigan gave the USA Betsy DeVos. Help us atone for that and make the world a better place.
Michiganders tried. We REALLY did. We TRIED to warn America about Betsy DeVos. We tried to tell the country that she is the epitome of everything that is wrong about the corporatist and dominionist approach to the destruction of public education. And nobody was more outspoken about her and her horrid goals than the writers here at Eclectablog. We’ve written about her for years, shouting to the rooftops that she is harming our country and, more egregiously, harming our children.

You can help us atone for that failure by supporting the one site that did more than any other in exposing what Ms. DeVos and her family want to do to end public education as we know it and to turn our schools into profit centers for the already-rich.
None of us here likes to ask for money but it’s your financial support that keeps us going (virtually ad-free) so, once a quarter, we spend a week asking you to join the fight for accountability at Eclectablog and The GOTMFV Show podcast.
You can do that by using the handy PayPal form at the top of the right sidebar to make a one-time donation via Paypal in the amount of your choice. Second, you can send a check (which avoids Paypal taking out a percentage of your donation) to Chris Savage, P.O. Box 32, Dexter, MI 48130. Please make the check payable to “Eclectablog”.
Finally, you can become a monthly sustainer but making a recurring donation each month by using this form:
If you simply aren’t able to make a donation of any kind (and we appreciate support at ALL levels), please continue to share our posts and podcasts throughout all of your social media platforms to ensure that the hard work of our most excellent staff is seen by as many folks as possible.
Thank you.
[CC DeVos image by Michael Vadon | Flickr]
Michigan gave the USA Betsy DeVos. Help us atone for that and make the world a better place. | Eclectablog